释义 |
波bōⅠ❶ (波浪) wave: 微 ~ ripples ❷ {物} (振动传播的过程) wave: 声 ~ sound wave; 短 ~ short wave; 纵 ~ longitudinal wave; 横 ~ transverse wave ❸ (意外变化) unexpected changes: 风 ~ storm;crisis;disturbance; 一 ~ 未平,一 ~ 又起。 Hardly has one wave subsided when another rises. ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 才 Bo Cai Ⅱ [方] (跑) run ◆波瓣 lobe;radiation lobe; 波长 {物} wavelength; 波长计 wavemeter;ondometer;cymometer;cymoscope;band meter; 波带 band;wave band;wavestrip;wave zone; 波导 {物} waveguide;duct; 波导管 {电磁} waveguide tube;channel waveguide;plumbing;wave guide; 波导纳 wave admittance; 波道 radio frequency channel;channel;wave canal;wave duct; 波动 undulate;fluctuate;unsettle;surge; rise and fall; 波段 {电} wave band;wave range;band;range;frequency range;frequency band; 波多黎各 Puerto Rico; 波峰 {物} wave crest;peak;ridge;hump;ridge of wave;spike;wave front; 波辐射 wave radiation; 波幅 {物} amplitude; 波腹 {物} antinode;wave loop;oscillation loop;loop; 波干扰 wave interference; 波高 wave height; 波哥大 Bogota; 波谷{物} trough of wave;trough;valley; 波光 glistening light of waves; 波光如链 The ripples shone like silvery chains.; 波函数 {物} wave function; 波痕 {地质} wavemark;current ripple mark;ripple mark;swash; 波厚 thickness of convolution; 波激励器 wave exciter; 波激振动 wave-excited vibration; 波及 spread to;involve;affect; 波脊 wave crest; 波角 {电磁} wave angle; 波节 (wave) node; 波距 pitch of waves; 波谲云诡 (又作“云谲波诡”) beautiful turns of thought;fast,unexpected,exciting changes;sudden and perplexing changes; 波兰 Poland; 波澜 (波涛) great waves;billows; 波澜老成 (of a piece of writing) magnificently superb; 波澜起伏 (of a piece of writing) with one climax following another; 波澜壮阔 surge high and sweep forward;surging forward with great momentum;torrential;unfolding on a magnificent scale; 波浪 wave; 波浪滚滚 the waves rolling along in succession;a succession of large waves; 波浪式 wave mode; 波浪滔天 the billows dashing against the sky; 波浪形 wave;chev(e)ron; 波利尼西亚 (西太平洋诸岛的总称) Polynesia; 波粒子 wavicle; 波罗的海 the Baltic (Sea); 波模 {电} mode;transmission; 波能 wave energy; 波谱 {物} spectrum; 波群 {物} wave group; 波士顿 Boston; 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国(简称波黑共和国) The Republic of Bossnia and Herzegovina; 波束 wave beam;beam;wave packet; 波数 {物} wave number (WN); 波斯湾 the Persian Gulf; 波速 wave velocity;ray velocity; 波算子 {数} wave operator; 波涛 great [huge] waves;surge billows; 波涛怒号 The billows roared.; 波涛拍岸 The waves beat upon the bank.; 波涛起伏 swellings,heaving and subsiding;The waves toss.; 波涛万顷 a myriad surges; 波涛汹涌 roaring waves;The waves ran high.; 波特 {讯} baud; 波纹 corrugation;flow mark;moire;cockles;dimple;washmarking;{电工} ripple; 波纹管 sylphon bellows;bellows;corrugated pipe; 波型 wave mode;mode; 波形 {物} wave form;wave shape;wave pattern;wave profile; 波形图 oscillogram;oscillograph; 波压 wave pressure; 波音 {音} mordent; 波源 wave source; 波折 twists and turns;setback; 波折射 wave refraction; 波阵面 wave surface;wave front; 波致阻力 wave making resistance; 波状 undulating;undate;gyrose;waving undular; 波奏 {音} bend; 波阻 {航空} wave drag; 波阻抗 wave impedance;surge impedance;natural impedance |