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Ⅰ ❶ (鼓起而松软的东西) sth. puffy and soft: 豆腐 ~ 儿 beancurd puff; 眼 ~ upper eyelid
❷ [方] (小湖) small lake Ⅱ (虚而松软; 不坚硬) spongy: 这木料发 ~。 This wood is spongy. Ⅲ (用于屎和尿): 拉一 ~ 屎 have a shit; 撒一 ~ 尿 make water; urinate; piss
另见 see also pào。
◆泡货 [方] bulky cargo; 泡桐 {植} paulownia; empress tree; princess tree; 泡子 [方] a small lake


Ⅰ ❶ (气泡) bubble: 肥皂 ~ 儿 soap bubbles; 冒 ~ 儿 send up bubbles; rise in bubbles; 他用肥皂水吹 ~。 He blows bubbles with soap water.
❷ (像泡一样的东西) sth. shaped like a bubble: 电灯 ~ electric light bulb; 手上起了 ~ get [raise] blisters on one's palm Ⅱ ❶ (较长时间地放在液体中) steep; soak: 把蔬菜 ~ 在盐水里 steep vegetables in brine; 让衣服在肥皂水中 ~ 几小时。 Let the clothes soak for a few hours in soapy water. 她用开水 ~ 茶。 She steeped the tea in boiling water.
❷ (故意消磨时间) dawdle; dillydally: 别瞎 ~ 了,快把工作做完! Stop dawdling and finish your work!
另见 see also pāo。
◆泡病号 dawdle with an excuse of illness; be on long leave on pretence of being ill; malinger for a long time; 泡菜 pickled vegetables; pickles; sauerkraut; kraut; 泡茶 make tea; 泡饭 soak cooked rice in soup or water; cooked rice reheated in boiling water; thick gruel (from recooked rice); 泡蘑菇 use delaying tactics; play for time; soak dry mushrooms in water; engage in ceaseless quibbling; temporize; act in such a way as to gain time; play a game of stalling; stall for time; dawdle; waste time; 泡沫 foam; froth; spume; yeast; bead; 泡沫经济 foam economy; frothy economy; 泡沫板 cystosepiment; 泡沫塑料 polyfoam; bipeltate; foamed plastic; 泡泡 papaw; pawpaw; 泡汤 [方] hope dashed to pieces; 泡漩 water current with rough waves and whirlpools; 泡影 visionary hope, plan, scheme, etc.; bubble; naught; zilch; 泡影梦幻 like a vanishing dream; dreams and bubbles; 泡子 [口] bulb

soaking something in water


soaking; maceration





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