court;law court;court of justice
~正在开庭。The court is now sitting./国际~International Court of Justice/《国际~法规》Statute of the International Court of Justice/常设公断~ Permanent Court of Arbitration/最高人民~ supreme people’s court/高级人民~higher people’s court/中级人民~intermediate people’s court/初级人民~ primary people’s court/基层人民~basic level people’s court/附属~ subsidiary court/初审~ court of first instance;trial court/上诉~court of appeal;appellate court/终审~ court of last instance; court of final appeal/物所在地~forum fei sitae[拉]/~判决court sentence/~院长president of the court/~规则rules of court/~手续费court fees/~地法lex bori[拉]/~所在国forum state;state of the forum