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单词 法轮功


Falun Gong
~不是“宗教信仰”和“精神运动”,而是一种危害社会的邪教和从事违法活动的非法组织。Falun Gong is neither a “religious belief”nor a “spiritual movement”. It is a cult hazardous to the society and an unlawful organization engaged in illegal activities./~与美国、欧洲、日本等地先后出现的邪教组织具有共同的本质和特征,即教主崇拜、精神控制、编造歪理邪说、非法聚敛钱财、危害社会。It is the same in nature as other cults in the US,Europe and Japan and shares the same general features,namely,worshiping the cult founder,exercising mind control over its followers,advocating heretical fallacies,amassing of wealth illegally and posing a threat to society.
法轮功要求练习者拒绝正常人的生活,有病不医,抛弃家庭和社会。一切只能遵循 “大法”的指令。Falung Gong followers are asked not to lead a normal life. They are asked to refuse medical treatment,abandon their families and society and follow the order of the “Supreme Law of Falun Gong”(“Falun Dafa”) in everything they do.
数以千计的法轮功练习者走火入魔,拒医拒药或自杀、自残死亡。Thousands of obsessed followers lost their lives for refusing to receive medical treatment and committing suicide or self-inflicted injuries.
严重扰乱社会秩序severely disrupt normal public order
教唆信徒以“度人”为名杀害无辜者incite its followers to murder innocent people under the name of“sending them to heaven”
诱导信徒为求“升天”自焚induce its followers to immolate themselves in order to “ascend to heaven”
依法取缔to be banned according to the law
反科学、反人类、反社会anti-science,anti-humanity and anti-society





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更新时间:2025/3/7 10:56:32