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单词 deck
释义 deck1 /dek; dek/ n 1 any of the floors of a ship, usu of wooden planks, in or above the hull: 船两甲板 (通常系木板造,在船身的内部或上层): My cabin is on E~. 我的趋位在 E 甲板。 Shall we go up on ~, up (from a cabin, saloon, etc) on to the main (or promenade) ~? 我们 (从物中,大嗯等) 到主甲板 (或散 .步甲板) 上去好嘱?。 the illus at ship. 参看 ship 之插图。 dear the ~s, clear (1). cabin, one on an open ~, not one that is below the main ~. 甲板船 (主甲板以上的房值) 。 '~ chair, collapsible chair of canvas, on a wooden or metal frame, used out of doors, eg in parks, the sea front, and on the ~s of ships. 用于户外可折叠的帆布椅 (有木或金属架,例如用于公园,海滨,及轮船甲板上者) 。 '~ hand, member of a ship's crew who works on ~. 甲板上工作的海员。 '~ officers, the captain and mates (contrasted with the engineers). 舱面船员 (指船长及大副,二副等,’以别于输机员) 。 '~ passenger, one who does not use a cabin or the public rooms, but eats and sleeps on 舱面乗客 (不使用舱位或嗯房而食宿均在甲板上者) 。 '~ quoits /koits; kwoits/, game played on a ~ (1) in which a ring (quoit) is thrown. 甲板上玩的环套椿游戏。 2 any similar surf ace, eg the floor of a bus: 任何似甲板的一层 (例如公共汽车的一层车厢): the top ~ of a London bus. 伦敦公共汽车的上层。 3 (chiefly US) pack of playing-cards; (comm) collection of punched cards from a particular file. (主美) 一副纸牌; (商) 钉存文件中之一组卡片。 ~er n (in compounds) having a specified number of ~s: (用于复合字中) 有特定数目之甲板或层数的: a three- ~er ship; 三层甲板的船; a single-/double- ~er bus; 単 (双) 层公共汽靠; a double-/triple- ~er sandwich, one with three/four layers of bread. 三 (四) 层的三明治。




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