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Ⅰ ❶ (由国家制定或认可的行为规则的总称) law:合 ~ lawful;legal;legitimate;rightful;
守 ~ observe the law;
犯 ~ violate [break] the law;
刑 ~ criminal law
❷ (方法;方式) way;method;mode;means:办 ~ measure;means;way;
用 ~ use;usage;
教 ~ teaching method;
表达 ~ mode of expression
❸ (标准;模范;可仿效的) standard;model;model after;follow:效 ~ take as model;follow the example of;
取 ~ 乎上 aim high
❹ (佛教的道理) Buddhist doctrine;the dharma
❺ (法术) magic arts:作 ~ resort to magic arts;
变戏 ~ conjure;play tricks
❻ (法国的简称) short for France
❼ (姓氏) a surname:~ 雄 Fa Xiong Ⅱ (仿效;效法) model after;follow:~ 其遗志 follow sb.'s unfulfilled wish [behest]
◆法案 proposed law;bill;
法办 deal with according to law;punish by law;bring to justice;
法半夏 {中药} Rhizoma Pinellinae Praeparata;
法包线 evolute;
法宝 a magic weapon;magic key;wonder-working magic;treasured tricks;effective weapon;talisman;
法不徇情 The law knows no kindness.;The law will never give in to personal considerations.;
法不阿贵 The law does not protect the powerful persons.;
法场 execution ground;place of execution;
法丛 normal complex [bundle];法的理论 theory of law;
法的起源 origin of law;
法的渊源 source of law;
法典 code;statute book;
法典森严 harsh law and severe punishment;
法定 legal;statutory;
法定程序 legal procedures;
法定人数 quorum;
法定汇价 official quotation;
法定货币 lawful money;
法定继承权 legal heirship;
法定继承人 legal successor;
法定假日 legal holiday;
法定监护人 legal guardian;statutory guardian;
法定年令 legal age;
法定人数 quorum;
法定责任范围 legal limitation of liability;
法定准备 legal reserve;statutory reserve;
法度 law;moral standard;
法官 judge;justice;
法官意见不一致 divided court;
法冠 biretta;berretta;beretta;cap;
法规 laws and regula ̄tions;rule;
法规防治 regulatory control;
法规汇编 codification;
法国 France;
法国电视广播公司 Organization Radio Television de France (ORTF);
法国号 French horn;
法国式 French;Frenchy;
法乎其上,仅得其中;法乎其中,则得其下 If you copy the best you get mediocrity,if you copy something not so good you get something worse.;
法汇 normal congruence;
法纪 law and discipline;
法家 Legalists;
法家拂士 learned men and advisors;
法警 bailiff;
法拉第 Faraday;
法兰盘 {工} flange plate;ring flange;
法兰绒 {纺} caroset;flannel;
法兰西 {法国} France;French;
法郎 franc;
法郎区 French Franc Area;
法老 Pharaoh;
法老鱼 Daggertooth;
法理 legal principle [theory];theory [principle] of law;juridical logic;
法力 supernatural power;
法令 laws and decrees;decree;order;statutes;
法令全书 statute book;
法令限制 statute of limitations;
法令滋彰,盗贼多有 The more laws and regulations,the more thieves and robbers.;
法律 law;statute;
法律保护 legal protecting;
法律程序 legal procedure;
法律顾问 legal adviser;law consultant;
法律顾问处 legal consultation;
法律监督 legal supervision;
法律面前人人平等 All people are equal before the law.;Everybody is equal before the law.;
法律上 legally;de jure;
法律事务所 the lawyer's office;
法律效力 legal effect;
法律行为 legal action;
法律许可 legal authorization;
法律责任 legal resposibility;
法律制裁 legal sanction;
法律咨询 legal consulting;
法轮常转 The wheel of transmigration turns unceasingly — a Buddist doctrine.;
法螺 triton (sell);conch;
法罗群岛 the Faroe Islands;
法盲 law-ignorant;law-ignorant person;law-blindness;legal illiterate;
法门 {佛教} initial approach to become a Buddhist believer;
法面 {数} normal plane;
法内格 fanega;
法器 {宗} musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass;
法曲率 {数} normal curvature;
法权 right;
法人 juridical person;legal person;corporation;legalis homo;
法人代表 representative of legal body;
法人股 legal person share;
法神星 {天} Themis;
法师 Master,a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest;
法式 rule;method;model;French;
法书 model calligraphy;[敬] your calligraphy;
法术 magic arts;
法塔赫 Al Fatah;
法帖 choice [fine] specimen of calligraphy;model of calligraphy for practice;
法庭 (law) court;tribunal;
法统 legally constituted authority;
法网 the net of justice;the arm of the law;
法网难逃 It is hard to escape the net of justice [the arm of the law].;It is difficult to escape from the meshes of the law.;the halting foot of justice;
法文 French;
法文化 legal culture;
法西斯 fascist;
法系 genealogy of law;
法新社 Agence France Presse (AFP);
法学 law;the science of law;jurisprudence;
法医 legal medical expert;legal examiner;court doctor;
法医毒理学 forensic toxicology;
法医化学 {化} judicial chemistry;
法医人类学 forensic anthropology;
法医损伤学 forensic traumatology;
法医学 medical jurisprudence;forensic medicine;legal medicine;
法衣 rochet;ecclesiastical robe;cassocks;
法语 French (language);
法语式英语 Fringlish;
法院 court of justice;law court;court;courthouse;
法则 rule;law;
法哲学 philosophy of right;
法制 legality;legal institutions;legal system;
法治 rule by law;government by law;governed by law;
法锥 normal cone;
法子 way;means;method



Dharma;law,truth,anything Buddhist






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