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单词 泌尿系统疾病

泌尿系统疾病mì niào xì tǒnɡ jí bìnɡRenal & Urogenital Diseases

膀胱结石 [pánɡ ɡuānɡ jié shí] vesical calculus; bladder stones
膀胱炎 [pánɡ ɡuānɡ yán] bladder cystitis
不痛结石 [bú tònɡ jié shí] silent stone
草酸钙石 [cǎo suān ɡài shí] calcium oxalate stones
蛋白尿 [dàn bái niào] proteinuria
毒性肾病 [dú xìnɡ shèn bìnɡ] toxic nephrosis
多囊性肾病 [duō nánɡ xìnɡ shèn bìnɡ] polycystic renal diseases
多尿症 [duō niào zhènɡ] polyuria; excessive urine output
睾丸炎 [ɡāo wán yán] orchitis; testicular infection
龟头炎 [ɡuī tóu yán] balanitis
急性肾衰竭 [jí xìnɡ shèn shuāi jié] acute renal failure
急性肾脏炎 [jí xìnɡ shèn zànɡ yán] acute nephritis
精囊炎 [jīnɡ nánɡ yán] spermatocystitis
慢性肾衰竭 [màn xìnɡ shèn shuāi jié] chronic renal failure
泌尿生殖器官损伤 [mì niào shēnɡ zhí qì ɡuān sǔn shānɡ] genitourinary trauma
泌尿系统疾病 [mì niào xì tǒnɡ jí bìnɡ] renal and urogenital disorder
尿道膀胱炎 [niào dào pánɡ ɡuānɡ yán] urinary tract infection; urethrocystitis
尿道感染 [niào dào ɡǎn rǎn] urinary infection
尿道炎 [niào dào yán] urethral infection; urethritis
尿毒症 [niào dú zhènɡ] urinemia; anemia with renal dysfunction
尿石 [niào shí] urinary calculi/stone
尿酸石 [niào suān shí] uric acid stone
尿血 [niào xuè] hematuria; blood in the urine
尿渣 [niào zhā] urinary sediment
皮下水肿 [pí xià shuǐ zhǒnɡ] anasarca; generalized edema
前列腺癌症 [qián liè xiàn ái zhènɡ] carcinoma of prostate
前列腺肥大症 [qián liè xiàn féi dà zhènɡ] prostatic hypertrophy
潜伏性肾炎 [qián fú xìnɡ shèn yán] latent nephritis
少尿症 [shǎo niào zhènɡ] meager urine output; oliguria
摄护腺癌症 [shè hù xiàn ái zhènɡ] carcinoma of prostate
摄护腺肥大症 [shè hù xiàn féi dà zhènɡ] prostatic hypertrophy
肾梗塞 [shèn ɡěnɡ sè] renal infarction
肾结核 [shèn jiē hé] tuberculosis of kidney
肾结石 [shèn jiē shí] renal calculus
肾瘤 [shèn liú] nephroma; kidney tumor
肾水肿 [shèn shuǐ zhǒnɡ] hydronephrosis
肾痛 [shèn tònɡ] nephralgia
肾小球疾病 [shèn xiǎo qiú jí bìnɡ] kidney glomerular disease
肾硬化 [shèn yìnɡ huà] nephrosclerosis; malignant fibrous kidney growth
肾脏炎 [shèn zànɡ yán] nephritis
输尿管梗塞 [shū niào ɡuǎn ɡěnɡ sè] ureteral obstruction
水肿 [shuǐ zhǒnɡ] edema
无尿症 [wú niào zhènɡ] anuria; absent or low urine output
小便困难 [xiǎo biàn kùn nɑn] urination difficulty
小便失禁 [xiǎo biàn shī jìn] incontinuence; involuntary urine loss
小便灼痛 [xiǎo biàn zhuó tònɡ] painful urination; dysuria
遗精 [yí jīnɡ] spermatorrhea
遗尿症 [yí niào zhènɡ] bedwetting; enuresis
阴茎损害 [yīn jīnɡ sǔn hài] penile lesion
阴囊水肿 [yīn nánɡ shuǐ zhǒnɡ] hydrocele





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