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单词 泄漏天机

泄漏天机xiè lòu tiān jī

a leakage of celestial secrets; divulge the secrets of immortal world; let out secrets
❍ 宝玉还欲看时,那仙姑知他天分高明,性情颖慧,恐~,……(《红楼梦》59)❶Baoyu would have read on,but the goddess knowing his high natural endowments and quick intelligence feared the secrets of heaven might be divulged.
❷Baoyu would have liked to see some more,but the fairy woman,knowing how intelligent and sharp-witted he was,began to fear that she was in danger of becoming reponsible for leakage of celestial secrets,…/宝玉看了仍不解,待要问时,知他必不肯~;待要下去,又不舍,遂往后看。(《红楼梦》58) Still Baoyu was unable to understand the meaning. He would have liked to ask,but he knew that Disenchantment would be unwilling to divulge the secrets of her immortal world. Yet though he could make no sense of the book,for some reason he found himself unable this time to lay it down,and continued to look through it to the end.
❍ 这种~的注解也是十分讨厌的,因此,这不会不是日本人的“造谣”。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—278) These comments that let out secrets are very annoying too; so this must undoubtedly be a Japanese “rumour”.





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