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单词 沾沾自喜

沾沾自喜zhān zhān zì xǐ

be (/feel) complacent(over); be content (/pleased) with oneself; be vain of oneself; look like a cat who has swallowed the canary (/after it has eaten the canary); pat oneself on the back; hug oneself on; self-complacent; self contented; self-satisfied; smug
❍ 庸俗的事务主义家不是这样,他们尊重经验而看轻理论,因而不能通观客观过程的全体,缺乏明确的方针,没有远大的前途,~于一得之功和一孔之见。(《毛泽东选集》268) As against this,vulgar “practical men” respect experience but despise theory,and therefore cannot have a comprehensive view of an entire objective process,lack clear direction and long-range perspective,and are complacent over occasional successes and glimpses of the truth.
❍ 然而像他那样的人,决不至于让某一件事的胜利弄得~,就此满足。(茅盾《子夜》148) However,a man like Wu Sunfu could not be content with a single achievement.
❍ 这种莽撞而~的主人,和深通世故的客人的园滑的应酬,是我们现在还随时可以遇见的,有些人简直以此为一世的交际术。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—165) Even to day these boisterous,boastful hosts and smooth tongued,worldly guests can be met with everywhere.Some men even make these their life-long tactics in social intercourse./(~)好了,完全好了。这下我可放心了! (曹禺《明朗的天》105) (complacently): Cured,completely cured. Now I can set my heart at rest!/道静咬着嘴唇望着他那~的神色。(杨沫《青春之歌》162)Daojing bit her lips at the sight of his smug expression.


feel complacent;be pleased with oneself;self-contented;complacent over occasional successes

沾沾自喜zhān zhān zì xǐ

沾沾:轻浮的样子。形容自以为十分优越,自鸣得意。be pleased with oneself, feel complacent over, self-contented, hug oneself on





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