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❶ (浸湿) wet; soak; moisten: 泪 ~ 襟 tears wet the front of one's jacket; 草被露水 ~ 湿了。 Grasses were moist with dew.
❷ (被东西附着上) be stained with: ~ 泥 be stained with mud; 双手 ~ 满人民鲜血的刽子手 a butcher stained with the blood of the people
❸ (碰上; 挨上) touch: 脚不 ~ 地 with one's feet hardly touching the ground; 烟酒不 ~ touch neither tobacco nor alcohol; 一 ~ 枕头就着 fall asleep as soon as one's head hits the pillow; 你的酒 ~ 都没 ~ 。 You haven't even touched your wine.
❹ (得到好处) get sth. out of association with sb. or sth.; benefit by [from]: ~ 点便宜 get a bargain; 利益均 ~。 Both parties benefit from sth.
◆沾边 touch on only lightly; be close to what it should be; be relevant; 沾光 benefit from association with sb. or sth.; gain some advantage from another; profit from association with; 沾染 be infected with; be contaminated by; be tainted with; 沾手 touch with one's hand; have a hand in; 沾污 pollution; contamination; 沾沾自喜 pleased with oneself; play the peacock; priggish hug oneself on [for; over]; self-contented[feel complacent





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