沽ɡūⅠ [书] ❶ (买) buy:~ 酒 buy wine;~ 物 make purchases ❷ (卖) sell:市 ~ sell in the market; 待价而 ~ wait to sell at a good price;wait for the highest bid Ⅱ (天津的别称) another name for Tianjin ◆沽名钓誉 fish for fame (and credit);angle for praise [compliments];angle for undeserved fame;buy reputation and fish for praise;court [seek] publicity;cater to publicity by sordid methods;fish for fame and purchase praise;fish for fame and reputation;fish for fame and social recognition [compliments];fish [chase;hunger] for honours;strive for reputation
沽ɡǔ[书] Ⅰ (卖酒的人) wine seller Ⅱ (粗劣;简略) shoddy;brief;sketchy;of poor quality;cheap 另见 see also ɡū。 |