释义 |
沸反盈天fèi fǎn yíng tiāncause all this upstir;cause a shocking commotion; make a great stir; the tumult reaches high heaven ❍ 你自己荐她来,又合伙劫她去,闹的~的,大家看了成个什么样子?你拿我们家里开玩笑么?(《鲁迅选集》上—94) You recommended her yourself,and then plotted to have her carried off,causing all this upstir. What will people think? Are you trying to make a laughing-stock of our family?/虽在通都大邑,现在也还有天师作法,长官禁房,闹得~,何尝惹出一点口舌?(鲁迅《花边文学·迎神与咬人》) Even in large towns today the Taoist pope performs his magic rites,while high officials forbid the slaughter of cattle. The tumult must have reached high heaven,yet no trouble has resulted. 沸反盈天fei fan ying tianraise a hullabaloo |