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单词 河清难俟

河清难俟hé qīng nán sì

it is hard to wait for the Yellow River to get clear—it takes too long to wait,and life is too short
❍ 周诗有之曰: “俟河之清,人寿几何? ……” (《左传·襄八年》) There is an ode of Zhou which says,“If you wait till the Yellow River becomes clear,the life of man is too short for such a thing.”

河清难俟he qing nan si

it is hard to wait till the Yellow River becomes clear—the time would be too long to wait for sth. to happen

河清难俟hé qīnɡ nán sì

河:指黄河;俟:等待。黄河水清的日子很难等到。比喻时日太久,难以等待。the time would be too long to wait for sth. to happen, it takes too long to wait for sth. to happen





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