释义 |
河水不洗船hé shuǐ bù xǐ chuánchuan avoid trouble; have no bearing on each other; not be interrelated with each other ❍ 我是一片本心,特地来报信。我也只愿得无事,落得 ‘~’,但做事也要 ‘打蛇打七寸’ 才妙。(《儒林外史》174) I’ve come,out of the kindness of my heart,to let you know about this; because I’m just as anxious as you are to avoid trouble,and I don’t like seeing any man ruined. But you’ve got to act quickly in this,sir. ❍ 我没的好合你为仇,落得~哩。(《醒世因缘》三十四) I don’t want to become your enemy,so that we’ll have nothing to do with each other. |