释义 |
河hé ❶ (天然的和人工的大水道) river: 潮汐 ~ tidal river; 大 ~ very large river; 国境[内陆] ~ boundary [continental] river; 运 ~ canal ❷ (指银河系) the Milky Way system;the Galaxy: ~ 外射电源 extragalactic radio source ❸ (特指黄河) the Huanghe River;the Yellow River: ~ 西 west of the Huanghe River ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 润 He Run ◆河岸 river bank; 河岸式溢洪道 shore spillway; 河蚌 freshwater mussel;clam; 河北 Hebei (Province); 河边 river bank; 河滨 streamside; 河伯娶妇 an ancient custom of sacrificing a young beautiful girl to be the wife of the river god; 河冰 {水文} river ice; 河槽 (河床) channel;riverbed;runway;river channel; 河汊(子) a branch of a river; 河川 stream;river; 河床 riverbed;bed;poised river;[英方] waterstead;cauce; 河床式(水)电站 block power plant; 河道 river course;streamway;covalency;runway;cut;river channel; 河堤 {土} dike;river levee;river wall;river embankment; 河底 river bottom; 河鲽 butt; 河东狮吼 lioness's roar (describing the fear of a henpecked husband); have a shrewish wife;the outburst of a virago;the shrew scolding her husband; 河段 {水文} channel segment;stream segment;reach; 河防 flood-prevention work done on rivers; 河鲱 twaite;shad; 河肥 river silt;river mud; 河汾门下 The well-known scholar has many distinguished students.; 河港 river harbour; 河埂 boom; 河工 river work;river engineering project;a labourer working on a river engineering project; 河沟 brook;stream; 河鼓二 {天} Altair; 河谷 river valley; 河海冰冻学 cryology; 河海不择细流 Profound learning is an accumulation of bits of knowledge.; 河海沉积 fluviomarine deposit;fluvio-marine deposit; 河汉 [书] the Galaxy; 河汉斯言 take these as far-fetched words;make light of these words;statements that are too farfetched to gain credulity; 河涸鱼竭 The rivers dried up and the fish in them died.; 河狐 Azara's dog; 河湖港汊 rivers,lakes and estuaries; 河麂 (獐) river deer;water deer; 河口 {地理} river mouth;stream outlet;estuary;outfall; 河宽 river width; 河狸 Caster fiber;beaver; 河狸鼠 Myocastor coypus;nutria; 河流 rivers;stream; 河流干涸,田地荒芜 Streams dried up and fields lay neglected.; 河流水位 river level; 河柳 dryland willow; 河鲈 bass; 河卵石 cobble;pebble; 河落海干 not leave a bit; 河马 Hippopotamus amphibius;hippo;river horse; 河鳗 river eel; 河漫滩 washland;alluvial flat;valley flat;river flat; 河南 Henan (Province); 河泥 canal mud;river mud;river silt; 河螃蟹 Eriocheir sinensis;fresh-water crab; 河清海晏 The Yellow River is clear and the seas are calm. — perfect tranquility under heaven;a peaceful time [era];piping times of peace;The world is at peace.;time of peace and prosperity; 河清难挨 It is hard to wait till the Yellow River is clear. — The time would be too long to wait for sth. to happen.;It takes too long to wait,and life is short.; 河曲 bend (of a river);meander; 河渠 graff;river and canals;waterways; 河犬 fox dog; 河沙 river sand; 河山 rivers and mountains;land;territory; 河山带砺 an everlasting country with strong boundaries;an oath of everlasting fealty;Even the Huanghe River becomes as thin as a stripe and Mount Taishan becomes as small as a grindstone.;endure the test of time,not change mind under any upheaval; 河深水急 The water is deep and swift.; 河生植物 rheophyte; 河势控制 river pattern control; 河水 river water; 河水不犯井水 The river water does not intrude into the well water. — each minds its own business;It's no business of one to mind the business of another.;None may encroach upon the precincts of another.;The well water need not interfere with the river water. — each going one's own way without interfering with the other; 河水浼浼 smooth-flowing river; 河水獭 true otter; 河水位 river level; 河苔草 riverweed; 河滩 benchland;hirst;river rapids; 河套 the bend of a river; 河豚 globefish;balloonfish;puffer; 河外空间 {天} extragalactic space; 河外新星 {天} extragalactic nova; 河外星系 {天} anagalactic nebula;extragalactic system;extragalactic nebula;external galaxy; 河外星云 {天} anagalactic nebula;extragalactic nebula; 河外宇宙线 extragalactic cosmic rays; 河湾 ancon;cove;coving;hook;river bend; 河网 hydrogra ̄ phic net;drainage network;river network;a network of waterways; 河乌 water ouzel;dipper; 河系 {水} river system;water system; 河虾 river prawn;shrimp; 河下采煤 underriver mining; 河蟹 river crab; 河[湖]心小岛 holm(e); 河沿(儿) river bank; 河鱼腹疾 have loose bowels;suffer from diarrhea;stomach ailment; 河源 river source;headwaters;fountain;headland;blean;riverhead; 河运 river transport;transport by boat on the river; 河中 {天} korneforos; 河中沙丘 hurst;bela; 河中踏脚石 cloghan; 河中小岛 ait;eyot; 河洲 eyot;batture; 河猪 river hog; 河宗 a surname |