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❶ (水名) the Ju River: 猗与漆 ~,潜有多鱼。 In Rivers Ju and Qi / Fish in warrens we see. ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 授 Ju Shou另见 see also jǔ;jù。
❶ [书] (阻止) stop;prevent: ~ 其成行 stop sb. from going ❷ (气色败坏) turn gloomy;turn glum ❸ [书] (败坏;毁坏) spoil; injure; destroy; damage ❹ [书] (恐吓) threaten;intimidage ❺ [书] (怀疑) doubt;suspect另见 see also jù。◆沮丧 dispirited;depressed;dejected;disheartened
[书] (湿;湿润) moist;damp另见 see also jū;jǔ。