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单词 沧海桑田

沧海桑田cāng hǎi sāng tián

sees change into mulberry fields and mulbery fields into seas—time brings great changes to the world; convulsions of nature; evanescence of world affairs; the great shifts and changes of the world in the course of time; the world is always in a flux (/changing all the time) /天若有情天亦老,人间正道是沧桑。(毛泽东《七律·人民解放军占领南京》)Were Nature sentient,she too would pass from youth to age,| But Man's world is mutable,seas become mulberry fields.
❍ 世上沧海变田田变海,俺那老师父只管朦瞠着两眼定六经。(孔尚任《桃花扇·听稗》)Even if sea becomes land,and land sea,the vision of our Sage endures in the Six Canons.

沧海桑田cang hai sang tian

from seas into mulberry fields and from mulberry fields into seas (meaning time brings great changes to the world)

沧海桑田cānɡ hǎi sānɡ tián

桑田:指农田。大海变成农田,农田变成了大海。形容世事变化很大。evanescence of wordly affairs, the great shift and changes of the world in the course of time





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