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单词 沧海一粟

沧海一粟cāng hǎi yī sù

a drop (/droplet) in the bucket (/vast ocean); a grain afloat on the vast ocean; a speck in a vast ocean; a mite on an elephant;not amount to a row (/hill) of beans
❍ 现在国民党统治地区有的一些,~,而且方法不合民众口味,神气和民众隔膜,必须切实地改一改。(《毛泽东选集》449) What has been done so far in the Kuomintang areas is only a drop in the ocean,and moreover it has been done in a manner ill-suited to the people's tastes and in a spirit uncongenial to them; this must be drastically changed.

沧海一粟cānɡ hǎi yī sù

大海中的一粒谷子。比喻非常渺小。a drop in the bucket, a drop in the ocean, a grain afloat on the vast ocean





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