释义 |
没齿不忘没世不忘mò shǐ bù wàngwill never forget to the end of one’s days (/as long as one lives); remember for life (/all one’s life/the rest of one’s life) ❍ 诗云: 于戏前王不忘,君子贤其贤,而亲其亲,小人乐其乐,而利其利,此以没世不忘也。(《礼记·大学》) In the Book of Poetry,it is said,“Ah! the former kings are not forgotten.” Future princes deem worthy what they deemed worthy,and love what they loved. The common people delight in what delighted them,and are benefited by their beneficial arrangements. It is on this account that the former kings,after they have quit the world,are not for gotten. ❍ 萍水之人,遂蒙宠惠,没齿所不敢忘。(《聊斋志异·阿纤》1381) I am only a poor wayfarer,but I shall never forget the kindness with which you have treated me. ❍ 臣妾这次幸蒙皇帝和皇后两陛下特恩,进宫来朝贺娘娘陛下的千秋节,深感皇恩浩荡,~。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—767) I am most grateful to Your Majesty for granting me this special favour of offering my congratulations and I shall never forget this. 没齿不忘remember for the rest of one’s life;never forget till the end of one’s days 没齿不忘mò chǐ bù wànɡ齿:年龄;没齿:终身,一辈子。终身都不忘记。remember for the rest of one’s life, will never forget to the end of one’s days |