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单词 没精打采

没精打采没精打彩;无精打采méi jīng dǎ cǎi

in the blues (/the dumps); (completely) dispirited;dejected; depressed; in low spirits; lackadaisical;listless ; out of heart (/humour/sorts); spiritless
❍ 郭全海一个人~的,晃晃悠悠的,走到工作队,坐在门边地板上,背靠在墙上,低着头,不吱声。(周立波《暴风骤雨》99) Bewildered and in the dumps,Guo wandered to the schoolhouse,sat on the floor,leaned against the wall and hung his head.
❍ 一种心灰意懒的情绪侵袭着他,他~,默默无言。(周立波《山乡巨变》207) A feeling of disillusion and apathy took hold of him; he was completely dispirited,and couldn't utter a word.
❍ 宝玉见他这样,便怅然如有所失,呆呆的站有半日,只得~,还入怡红院来。(《红楼梦》1040) Baoyu was very much put out. He stood there in a daze for a while,his thoughts wandering,shedding tears,then returned dejectedly to Happy Red Court.
❍ 弄得宝玉满肚疑团,没精打彩的 ,归至怡红院中,…… (《红楼梦》 1145) …and Baoyu went back to Happy Red Court feeling puzzled and depressed.
❍ 你不过是看见姨妈没精打彩,如何便疑到宝姐姐身上去?(《红楼梦》1193) Simply seeing aunty in low spirits shouldn't make you start suspecting Baochai,should it?/就在这样一个昏黑的晚上,我照常~地回来,一看见寓所的门,也照常更加丧气,使脚步放得更缓。(《鲁迅选集》上一152) One dark evening,I came home listlessly as usual and,as usual,grew so depressed at the sight of our gate that I slowed down.
❍ 这是范博文,他那一脸~的神气正不下于这些“失望” 了的差当。(茅盾 《子夜》 69) It was Fan Bowen,looking no more cheerful than the despondent ser vants.
❍ 民兵们穿着湿淋淋的衣服,~地走上沙滩。(黎汝清 《海岛女民兵》 227) The militia,dripping wet,marched up the beach with long faces.

没精打采méi jīnɡ dǎ cǎi

形容精神萎靡不振。in low spirits, out of heart, glassy, sink into one’s boots





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