释义 |
没头没脑méi tóu méi nǎoabrupt(ly) ; cannot make head or tail of it; incoherent; meaningless;pointless without rhyme or reason ❍ 坐还未定,他就来了。我出去会他时,他却~的说是请我点戏。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》 37) He was here even before I had a chance to sit down. When I went out to greet him,he asked me abruptly to pick an opera. ❍ 他大步跑到徐义德的面前. 像个小孩子似的,~地说:“爸爸,开饭啦。”(周而复 《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—501) He marched straight over to Xu Yide and blurted out with a childish naivety: "Time to eat,Father. "/这是什么闷葫芦. ~的?你也先得说说清,教他好用心的查去。(《鲁迅选集》上—122) This is too puzzling. How can he make head or tail of it? You must explain things clearly to him first,before he can look it up properly. ❍ 怎么开口就骂人家混帐?你懵懵懂懂,~,说的到底是哪个?(周立波《山乡巨变》23) How can you burst out calling people names like this? So stupidly and incoherently.Who are you talking about anyway?/你这话~,叫我怎么回答呢? (周立波《山乡巨变》196) What you say is meaningless,how can I answer?/郭鹏不了解韩云程的心情,给他~的问题弄得不知道如何是好,也不敢答复得太慢。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—332) Guo Peng did not realize what was going on in Han Yuncheng’s mind and he felt rather at a loss to find an answer to these pointless questions but at the same time he dared not be too slow in giving a reply. ❍ 因想起继之托我查察的事情,这件事~的,不知从那里查起。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》79) …and thought about the matter Jizhi had entrusted to me,but without any clue it was very difficult to start an investigation. ❍ 一时我不知说什么是好,~的讲了好多话,那个同志笑了。(陶承《我的一家》87) I didn’t know what to say,and in my excitement I just rambled on without thinking. My manner seemed to amuse the comrade,and he smiled. 没头没脑méi tóu méi nǎo没有头绪,没有主见,不知如何是好;不明来历,没有线索。without any clues, abrupt, listless, absent-minded, stupid |