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❶ (不领有; 不具有) not have: 你 ~ 朋友吗? Had you no friends? 我们村 ~ 一家 ~ 余粮。 Every family in our village has grain to spare. 现在我身边 ~ 那么多钱。 I don't have that much money on me just now.
❷ (不存在) there is not; be without: 她是个 ~ 私心的姑娘。 She is a girl without selfish ideas. 我们今天下午 ~ 课。 We have no lessons this afternoon. 屋里 ~ 人。 There isn't anyone in the room.
❸ (不及; 不如) not be as good as; be inferior to: 我学习 ~ 他刻苦。 I don't study as hard as he does. 问题 ~ 他想象的那么复杂。 The problem is not as complicated as he imagined. 这本书 ~ 那本书有趣。 This book is not as interesting as that one. 这些桔子 ~ 我上星期买的好。 These oranges are inferior to those I bought last week.
❹ (不够; 不到) less than: ~ 两个星期他就走了。 He left in less than two weeks time. 后来 ~ 几天她死了。 She died only a few days later. Ⅱ (否定动作或状态已经发生, 有“不曾”的意思) no; not; never: 商店还 ~ 关门。 The shop hasn't closed yet. 他从来 ~ 出过国。 He has never been abroad. 西红柿还 ~ 熟。 The tomatoes are not yet ripe. 天 ~ 亮, 田间就已一片活跃。 The fields are stirring with life before daybreak. 昨天我 ~ 见到他。 I didn't see him yesterday.
另见 see also mò。
◆没办法 no way out; have no choice but; be unable to find a way out; can't do anything about it; can't be helped; can't help it; can do nothing about it; Nothing can be done about it.; 没病没灾 good health and good luck; with one's health all right and luck; not bad; 没出息 not promising; good for nothing; 没词儿 can find nothing to say; be at a loss for words; be stuck for an answer; 没错儿 I'm quite sure; you can rest assured; can't go wrong; 没大没小 show no respect for one's elders; make no difference between the senior and the junior; be impolite to one's elders; 没法子 can do nothing about it; can't help it; 没骨头 have no backbone; a spineless person; 没关系 It doesn't matter.; It's nothing.; That's all right.; no sweat [美俚]; never mind; That's O.K.; It scarcely matters.; Not at all.; No matter.; skip it.; It doesn't make any difference; Forget it.; Not in the lease.; It's of no consequence.; It doesn't matter farthing.; 没规矩 not observing proper rules or manners; improper; inappropriat; without manners; have no manners; be impolite; 没见过世面 green and inexperienced; 没见识 inexperienced and ignorant; unlearned and provincial; 没精打采 be out of spirits; be a cup too low; dispirited and discouraged; with the wind taken out of one's sails; dejected; flat; inanimate; indifferent; languid; slack; slouching; spiritless; be disheartened [dispirited]; be in low spirits; be in [get; have] the blues; 没来由 without any cause; for no reason; without rhyme or reason; 没良心 without conscience; heartless; unconscionable; ungrateful; 没门儿 [方] have no access to sth.; have no means of doing sth.; no go; nothing doing; 没命 lose one's life; die; recklessly; desperately; like mad; for all one's worth; 没谱儿 [方] be unsure; have no idea; 没轻没重 (speak) tactlessly or indiscreetly; without manners; rash and rude; 没趣 feel put out; feel snubbed; 没深没浅 impudent and thoughtless; 没什么 it doesn't matter; it's nothing; that's all right; never mind; 没事 have nothing to do; be free; be at lei ̄sure; be at a loose end; it doesn't matter; it's nothing; that's all right; never mind; 没事找事 ask for trouble; ask for it; find fault with; try hard to find fault; cavil; 没说的 unimpeachable; really good; There's no need to say any more about it.; It goes without saying.; 没头案子 a criminal case without a clue for law enforcement officers to work on; 没头苍蝇 a headless fly; do things aimlessly; 没头没脑 without rhyme or reason; listless; absent-minded; without any clue; stupid; heedlessly; incomprehensible; blindly; abrupt; meaningless; all of a sudden; 没完没了 endless without end; interminable; 没味道 insipid; tasteless; 没戏唱 no way to go about sth.; 没心眼儿 careless; frank; lack of calculation; candid; mindless; 没眼色 inconsiderate; unable to see the fitness of things; 没有 not have; there is not; be without; not so; less than; 没有不散的筵席 even the best of friends must part; 没有不透风的墙 There isn't a wall which hasn't a rack.; Walls have ears.; 没有出路 find oneself in a blind alley; without a way out; 没有调查就没有发言权He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak.; No investigation, no say (no right to speak).; 没有功劳, 也有苦劳 One has done hard work even if he has not performed meritorious deeds.; 没有过不去的河 There is no river that can't be crossed.; 没有活动余地 no [not] room to swing a cat; no room to turn in; 没有理由 for nothing; unreasonable; 没有区别 as broad as (it is) long; 没有任何机会 have not the [a] ghost of a chance; 没有什么 nothing the matter; nothing wrong (with); 没有什么了不起 not enough to; not so great; nothing to be impressed by; 没有说的 really good; totally good; excellent; without question; needless to say; There is no need to say more about it.; It goes without saying.; 没有事做 at loose ends; at a loose end; 没有头脑的 dead above the ears; dead from the neck up; 没有兴趣 have no stomach for; disinterested; 没有主见的人 nose of wax; 没辙 [方] can find no way out; be at the end of one's rope; hopeless; no way to go about sth.; 没治 [口] past remedy; extremely good; 没主意 lose one's head; cannot make up one's mind

❶ (沉下或沉没) sink; submerge: 淹 ~ submerge; be drowned; ~ 入河底 sank to the bottom of the river
❷ (漫过或高过) overflow; rise beyond: 雪深 ~ 膝。 The snow was knee-deep. 河水 ~ 过两岸。 The river overflowed the banks.
❸ (隐藏;隐没) hide; disappear; vanish: 隐 ~ lie hidden; 埋 ~ 人材 stifle real talents; 泯 ~ vanish; sink into oblivion
❹ (没收) confiscate; expropriate: 抄 ~ search sb.'s place and confiscate his property
❺ (死) die Ⅱ (一直到完了; 尽; 终) last; end: ~ 世 till the end of one's life; ~ 齿 all one's life; till the end of one's life
另见 see also méi。
◆没齿不[难]忘 will never forget to the end of one's days; not forget till death; remember as long as one lives; remember for the rest of one's life; will never forget till all one's teeth are lost — remember it throughout one's whole life; 没顶 be drowned; 没落 decline; wane; {光} sinking; 没奈何 be utterly helpless; have no way out; have no alternative; 没世 (终生) through one's life-time; till the end of one's life; 没收 confiscate; expropriate; 没药 {中药} myrrh





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