[书] Ⅰ ❶(盛大; 旺盛) copious; abundant: 精力充 ~ be full of energy; ~ 然降雨。 A copious rain began to fall.
❷(行疾貌) (of walk) fast; quick; rapid: 美要眇兮宜修, ~ 吾乘兮桂舟。 Duly adorned, Oh! and fair, I float / On rapid stream, Oh! my cassia boat.
❸(感动貌) moved; touched Ⅱ ❶(降) fall; drop
❷(建闸蓄水) reserve [store] water for irrigation
❸(跌倒, 倾仆) fall: 人亦有言: 颠 ~ 之揭, 枝叶未有害, 本实先拨。 Know what say people blessed: / When a tree's fallen down, / Its leaves may still be green / But roots exposed to view.
❹(盛怒; 不悦) be very angry; be in a rage
❺ (排除) get rid of; remove; eliminate
◆沛然 [书] copious; 沛雨甘霖 abundant and seasonable rain; deep and great favour