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❶(沙子) sand; grit: 流 ~ quick sand; 鸣 ~ singing sand; 细 ~ fine sand
❷ (某些呈沙状的东西) sth. resembling sand; sth. granular or powdery: 豆 ~ bean paste
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 千里 Sha QianliⅡ (嗓音不清脆) (of voice) hoarse; husky
另见 see also shà。
◆沙坝 sandbank;
沙暴 sandstorm; saltation; tebad;
沙崩 sand avalanche;
沙壁 wall of sand;
沙波 bed ripples; sand wave; sand ridge;
沙蚕 nereid; clam worm;
沙场 battlefield; battleground;
沙尘 fine sand flying up in the air;
沙虫 sandworm;
沙船 large junk; largejunk;
沙带 sand ribbon; sand strip;
沙袋 sandbag;
沙堤 sand;
沙地 sand; tibba; desert;
沙丁鱼 {动} sardine; pilchard;
沙堆 sand drift; sandpile;
沙俄 tsarist Russia;
沙发 sofa; settee;
沙岗 sand hill;
沙锅 earthenware pot; casserole;
沙果 Chinese pear-leaved; crabapple;
沙害 sand damage;
沙洪 sand flood;
沙狐 corsac; corsac fox; valpes corsac;
沙獾 sand badger;
沙荒 sandy wasteland; sandy waste;
沙皇 tsar;
沙鸡 sandgrouse;
沙浆 mortar;
沙金 {矿} alluvial gold; placer gold;
沙坑 {体} sandpit; jumping pit;
沙拉 salad;
沙梨 {植} sand pear;
沙里淘金 obtain gold by washing it from sand and gravel; extract the essential from a large mass of material; get small returns for great efforts; pan gravel for gold; pick the best from a vast quantity; sift sand for gold;
沙砾 grit;
沙林 sarin;
沙流 {地质} sand drift;
沙龙 saloon; 沙漏 {钟} sandglass; hourglass; sandy clock;
沙罗周期 {天} saros;
沙门氏菌病 salmonellosis;
沙弥 {宗} acolyte;
沙漠 {地质} desert; areg; [法] koum; [印] thar; erem-; eremo-;沙漠化 desertification; 沙漠之舟 a ship [boat] of the desert — the camel;
沙盘 {军} sand table;
沙丘 sand dune; dune; downsand; touradon; bhit; xerophorbium;
沙瓤 mushy watermelon pulp;
沙沙声 rustle; fissle; fistle; frolement;
沙沙作响 rustle;
沙参 {中药} the root of straight ladybell; Adenophora stricta;
沙司 sauce;
沙滩 {地质} sand; sandbeach; seabeach; sandy beach;
沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia;
沙田 tidal land; sand flat;
沙土 sandy soil;
沙文主义 chauvinism;
沙箱 sandbox;
沙哑 hoarse; husky; raucous;
沙眼 {医} trachoma;
沙影 sand shadow;
沙鱼 shark; sandfish;
沙浴疗法 arenation; psammotherapy; Ammism; ammotherapy; sand bath; sand treatment;
沙枣 {植} narrow-leaved oleaster; Elaeagnus angustifolia; Russian olive;
沙蚤 {动} sand hopper;
沙障 sand-protecting barrier;
沙螽 weta;
沙洲 {地质} sandbank; herst; agger arenal; hurst; shoal; sandbar; kay; cay; key; char; diara;
沙蠋 {动} lugworm;
沙柱 dust devil; sand column; dropmade column;
沙锥 {动} snipe;
沙子 sand; grit; small grains; pellets;
沙嘴 {地} barrier spit; spit of land; sandspit; spit


[方] (摇动以清除杂物) shake to sort out the unwanted pieces: 把米里的沙子 ~ 一 ~。 Sift the rice and sort out the sand.
另见 see also shā。





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