释义 |
沉鱼落雁chén yú luò yàn[of a woman's features]be striking enough to sink fishes and drop wild geese;[of a beautitul face] cause fish to sink out of sight nd the flying crane to drop down; one who would make wild geese alight and fish dive down for shame ❍ 久闻江东乔公有二女,长曰大乔,次曰小乔,有~之容,闭月羞花之貌。(《三国演义》384) Now there are two famous beauties in Jiangdong born of the Qiao family.So beautiful are they that birds alight and fishes drown,the moon hides her face and the flowers blush for shame at sight of them. ❍ 那刘洪睁眼看见殷小姐面如满月,眼似秋波,樱桃小口,绿柳蛮腰,真个有~之容,闭月羞花之貌,…… (《西游记》 108)…Liu Hong noticed the beauty of Lady Yin,who had a face like a full moon,eyes like antumnal water,a small,cherrylike mouth,and a tiny,willowlike waist. Her features were striking enough to sink fishes and drop wild geese,and her complexion would cause the moon to hide and put the flowers to shame. 沉鱼落雁extremely beautiful 有~之容 Her charm would have made fish sink and wild geese fall from sky (or finds alight) 沉鱼落雁chén yú luò yàn鱼见了沉入水底,大雁见了降落沙洲。形容女子容貌美丽。make the fish and geese fall, fish sink and birds flight |