单词 | dark |
释义 | dark2 /deck; dark/ adj (-er, -est) 1 with no or very little light: 黑暗的: a ~, moonless night; 一个黑暗的,无月光的夜晚; a ~ corner of the room. 房间里黑暗的角落。 It's getting too ~ to take photographs. 天色太晚,不能照相。 lantern, one that can have its light covered. 能将其光遮蔽的灯笼。 '~-room, one that can be made ~ for photographic work. (冲洗相片用的) 暗房。 2 (of colour) not reflecting much light; nearer black than white: (指颜色) 深色的; 暗色的: a ~ dress/suit; 深色的衣服 (西装); ~ blue/ green/brown; 深蓝 (绿,褐) 色; ~ ~ brown eyes. 深褐色的眼睛。 3 (of the skin) not fair: (指皮肤) 棕黑的: a ~ complexion. 棕黑的肤色。 4 (fig) hidden, mysterious: (喻) 隐藏的; 神秘的: ~ secret, one that is closely guarded. 严守的秘密。 keep it ~, keep a secret, 保守秘密。 the → ~ Continent, Africa (used of the time when most of it was unexplored and mysterious). 黑暗大陆; 非洲 (指非洲在从前大部份未开发因而带神秘性的时代) 。 a ~horse, race-horse with unexpected or unknown capabilities, (fig) person whose capabilities may be greater than they are known to be. 黑马 (赛马会中出人意料之外得胜的马); (喻) 能力可能出人意外高强的人。 5 hopeless; sad; cheerless: 无希望的; 悲伤的; 无精打采的: Don't look on the ~ side of things. 不要抱悲观的态度观察事物。 6 unenlightened (morally or intellectually). (道德或智力) 未启蒙的; 未发展的。 the D~Ages, (in European history) from the 6th to the 12th cc; (also) between The end of the Roman Empire (AD 476) and the close of the 10th c. (欧洲历史上的) 黑暗时代 (自 6 世纪至 12 世纪; 亦指自罗马帝国衰亡,即西元 476 年,至 10 世纪末) 。 7 not clear to or in the mind: 意义不明的; 不易了解的; 暧昧的: a ~ saying, one that is obscure. 盘义不明的话。 ~ly adv ~ness n [U] the state of being 黑暗; 晦暗: The room was in complete ~ness. 室内一片漆黑。 |
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