单词 | ready |
释义 | ready/′redi/ adj [-y\ier/-y\iest];n [-y\ies/z/]; adv;vt [-y\ies/z/;-y\ied,-y\ied/d/] adj (1)准备好的(prepared;able to be used or to do immediately when needed)[作pred][A(for),A+to-inf]:have/get sth/sb~把/使某物/某人准备好;Lunch/The document is~. 午餐做/文件准备好了。be (get)~for the departure/the journey 准备出发/去旅行;None of the rooms are~for the meeting. 开会用的房间都没准备好。Was she~to go off? 她做好出发的准备了吗? R~,go. 预备,跑。〖同〗prepared;〖反〗unprepared; (2)愿意的(willing)[作pred][A+to-inf]:The teacher is always~to answer his students' questions. 那个老师总是愿意回答学生们的问题。be too~to find fault 过于吹毛求疵;be so~to promise 轻易许诺;be very~to suspect 疑心很重;〖同〗willing;〖反〗unready; (3)就(正)要(likely to do;about to do sth)[作pred][A+to-inf]:be~to fall/catch fire/collapse/drop/explode 随时可能倒下/着火/倒塌/掉下/爆炸;My head feels as if it's~to burst. 我觉得我的头好像要炸裂了。She feels~to cry. 她觉得自己快要哭了。〖同〗 tending,inclined; (4)迅速的,灵敏的(prompt or rapid;quick in perceiving)[作attrib]:a~response/answer/solution/help/assent 一个迅速的答复/回答/解决办法/帮助/同意;have a~mind/wit/tongue 很机智/非常机敏/能说会道;a~pupil 一个机灵的学生;〖同〗clever,prompt; (5)喜欢(急切)的(pleased and eager(to do sth))[作pred][A(with)]:be too~with criticisms of others/advice/excuses 总爱批评别人/给人忠告/找借口;〖同〗eager; (6)易得到的,方便的(conveniently available;close at hand):~money/cash 现钱/钞;a~means of transportation 方便的交通工具;keep some money~to hand 手头上准备一些钱;There's a~market for used cars. 有现成的旧车市场。〖同〗convenient; get/make ready 准备好:They made~to cross the road. 他们准备过马路。They got~for sleep. 他们准备睡觉。 ready and waiting 准备就绪并等待着:The Allied air forces were~and waiting for take-off. 盟国空军已准备就绪并等待起飞。 →′readily adv 毫不迟疑地;容易(方便)地;′readiness n 愿意;准备好的状态;敏捷; n 现钱(cash available for immediate use)[C,the~,有时pl](infml):have enough of the~有足够的现钱;I need the~ies by tomorrow. 明天我需要现钱。 at the ready 1)准备好射击(赛跑):All the competitors were at the~,awaiting the pistol shot. 所有的参赛者都准备好了,只等枪响。The soldiers stood with their guns at the~. 战士们站在那儿举枪瞄准,做好射击的准备。2)准备好:have a camera at the~把照相机准备好; adv 预先,已经(in advance;already)(用于过去分词之前):buy the meat~cooked/cut/packed 买已做熟/切好/包好的肉; →′ready-made adj 现成的; vt 使准备好(make ready;prepare)[T+n,T+n+prep(for)]:The country was~ied for the war. 这个国家做好了打仗的准备。~a runway for the take-off of a jet 为喷气式飞机的起飞准备好跑道;〖同〗prepare; 【辨异】all ready与already的区别见ALREADY。 |
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