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单词 read
read/ri:d/ vreadread/red/];n & adj

v (1)阅读,理解(be able to understand sth printed or written)[IT+n](常与can或be able连用):Can your little boy~? 你的小男孩能阅读吗? teach sb to~and write 教某人读书写字;~shorthand/Braille/traffic signs/music/the gas meter/a map理解速记符号/读懂盲文/识别交通标志/阅读乐谱/看煤气表/看地图;Can you~the untidy writing? 你能看懂这么乱的字吗?I can't~your telegram. 我看不懂你的电报。 I can~German,but don't speak it. 我读得懂德语,但不会说。〖同〗comprehend,understand;
 (2)默(朗)读(go through printed or written words or symbols;silently or aloud)[II+prepI+advT+nT+wh passT+n+advD+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:Is this book much~? 读这本书的人多吗?~in bed/together在床上/一起读书;~to oneself 默读;~(to sb) from a book of stories(给某人)读故事书中的故事;R~(the text)aloud/silently,please. 请朗/默读(课文)。~an article through (over) 通读一篇文章;~a letter/a book/a newspaper 读信/书/报;~what the caution/the thermometer says读警告上的内容/温度计上的指数;~a story to the class/the children (~the class/the children a story)给全班/孩子们读一篇故事;〖同〗utter;
 (3)获悉,得到(gain knowledge by reading)[I+prep(about/of),T+nT+thatT+whpassT+wh+inf pass]:~about an incident/about a murder/about a bank-robbery/of sb's death in yesterday's paper 从昨天的报纸上看到一件事/谋杀案/银行抢劫案/某人去世的消息;~an interesting article/the news/the share prices/the account of the murder in the paper 在报纸上读到了一篇有趣的文章/那消息/股票行情/那一谋杀案的报道;~in the book/the paper/the official report that the government is going to cut taxes 从书上/报纸上/官方的报道中获悉政府要削减税收;~how to make pastry/what sb has been doing 通过阅读得知怎样做糕点/某人一直在干什么;〖同〗scan,glance,note;
 (4)学习,攻读,研究(undertake a course of study in a subject)[I+prep(for),T+n]:~for the Bar/for a degree in physics/for an examination为当律师攻读法律/为攻读物理学位/为准备考试而学习;~history/law/French/physics at Oxford 在牛津大学攻读历史/法律/法语/物理;〖同〗study;
 (5)看出(懂)(discover or make out the true nature or mood of)[T+n]:~sb's hand/sb's palm 看手相;~sb's thoughts/sb's mind/sb's heart/sb's character/sb's moods 识透某人的心思/心思/心意/个性(特点)/心情;~sb 识透某人;How does he~the present situation? 他对目前形势怎样看?He can~symptoms correctly as a doctor. 作为一名医生,他能准确地判断病情。〖同〗understand;
 (6)意味着,理解为(interpret or understand in a specified way)[IprogC+n+aspass]:The letter~s to me as if he won't help us. 就我的理解,这封信似乎是说他不愿帮助我们。His silence can be~as consent. 他的沉默可以理解成是同意。It could be~as the simple story of the narrator. 这只能理解成是叙述者的简单经历。~the speech as satire/this to mean that he won't support us 把这个发言理解为讽刺/将这理解为他不支持我们;〖同〗interpret,explain;
 (7)内容是(have or contain a certain form or wording)[I]:The sentence/His letter/The passage~s as follows. 判决/他的信/这篇文章的内容如下。The notice on the gate~s “Evacuee Reception Centre”. 大门上的告示写着“疏散人员接待中心”。The sign~s “Keep Right”. 那块牌子写着“靠右行驶”。The ticket~s“From New York to Boston”. 票上写着“纽约至波士顿”。
 (8)读起来……(have a certain character evident to the reader)[I]:~well/oddly/jerkily/like poetry 读起来很好/奇怪/拗口/像诗;Chaucer's English~s very differently from Shakespeare's. 乔叟写的英语读起来与莎士比亚写的英语很不一样。
 (9)标明,读数为(registerindicate or show)[I+n/prep]:The thermometer~s 30 degree. 温度计指数为30度。 The speedometer~s 60 kph. 速度表指数为每小时60公里。What does the dial/the scale/the gauge~? 表盘/刻度尺/量规的读数是多少?〖同〗indicate;
 (10)(用在勘误表中)用……代替(be replaced by another)[T+n+prep(for),C+n+n/adj]:“Mr.W.H.all” should be~“Mr.W.Hall”. “Mr.W.H.all”应改为“Mr.W.Hall”。 For “boon”~s“bone”. “boon”应改为“bone”。The book~s“effect” for “affect”. 本书中的“affect”应改为“effect”。
 (11)听得清楚(hear and understandwhen using a two-way radio)[T+n]:We're~ing you loud and clear. 我们听到你的声音非常清晰。Are you~ing me? 你听得见我讲话吗?
 read between the lines 从字里行间看出:He wrote that he liked the camp life very much,but I could~between the lines that he was homesick. 他来信说他很喜欢野营生活,但从字里行间中我能看出他想家。
 read sb like a book 对某人(的想法)了如指掌(infml):John's girl-friend could~him like a book. 约翰的女朋友对他了如指掌。
 read sb/oneself to sleep 看(念)书使某人(自己)渐渐睡着了:The mother~the child to sleep. 母亲给那个孩子念书使他入睡。She tried to~herself to sleep. 她试图通过看书使自己入睡。
 read sth into sth 理解文章(材料)时加入原来没有的意思:Don't go~ing things into my story which I didn't put there. 别在我的故事里添枝加叶。
 take it/sth as read 无可争辩:We can take it as~that she isn't happy. 她并不幸福,这是无可争辩的。We can take her objection as~. 我们可以肯定她会反对的。
 read back(v adv)复述,重复(vt):Do you mind~ing back the text of my message? 请你把我给你口授的电文复述一下,好吗?
 read out(v adv)大声读出(vt):The boy~out his lesson clearly. 那个男孩清楚地大声读他的功课。
 read up (on)(v adv(prep))专门钻研(某个学科)(vt):R~up the rules and you'll see that I am right. 仔细研究一下这些规则,你就会明白我是对的。Please~up on the political theory before the next class. 下节课之前,请仔细地研究一下这一政治理论。
 →′readable adj 可读性很强的;易读的;可辨认的;′reader n读者;′reading n;
 n (1)阅读(period of reading;act of reading)[Ua~](尤infml,BrE):have/enjoy a little~读/喜欢读一会儿书;have a long/short/quiet~读了好长时间/读了一会儿/静静地读书;have a~of literature 读一些文学书籍;I like a good~before going to sleep. 睡觉前,我喜欢好好读一会儿书。
 (2)读物,供阅读的东西(matter suitable for reading)[Ua~]:a good~ 有益的读物; an excellent~ 优秀的读物;The writer/book is a very good~. 这位作家的作品/这本书是很好的读物。
 adj 知识渊博的(having sufficient knowledge obtained from reading):a well-~young man 一位知识渊博的年轻人;He discovered that the young visitor was well~. 他发现那位年轻的来访者知识渊博。He had literary taste,and was widely~in science. 他爱好文学,而且在科学方面也博览群书。





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