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单词 汪洋大海

汪洋大海wāng yáng dà hǎi

a big (/boundless/vast) ocean (/sea); the great (/open) sea (/ocean)
❍ 动员了全国的老百姓,就造成了陷敌于灭顶之灾的~,造成了弥补武器等等缺陷的补救条件,造成了克服一切战争困难的前提。(《毛泽东选集》448) The mobi lization of the common people throughout the country will create a vast sea in which to drown the enemy,create the conditions that will make up for our inferiority in arms and other things,and create the prerequisites for overcoming every difficulty in the war.
❍ 过去的剥削阶级完全陷落在劳动群众的~中,他们不想变也得变。(《毛泽东著作选读》甲—381) The former exploiting classes have been completely swamped in the boundless ocean of the working people and must change,even if unwillingly.
❍ 遍地一片~。(梁斌《红旗谱》72) The whole plain was one vast sea.
❍ 在整党学习时王书记说过嘛! 小农经济的~里头,富裕中农是受人敬重的人物。(柳青《创业史》396) Secretary Wang had put his finger on it exactly during the Party rectification. The secretary said that in the great sea of the small peasant economy,the well-to-do middle peasant was the most respected.
❍ 沈振新感觉到他这一阵精神状态的紧张,象舟行在~里突然遇到狂风大浪似的,头上不住的滴着汗珠。(吴强《红日》510) Shen Zhenxin felt that the spell of mental tension that he had just been through was like suddenly running into a raging storm while sailing across the open sea and beads of sweat were trickling down his face.


boundless ocean
葬身于~ be buried in the boundless ocean

汪洋大海wānɡ yánɡ dà hǎi

比喻事物范围广阔、声势浩大。big oceans, a vast ocean, the mighty ocean, the boundless sea





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