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(脏水; 脏物) slops; sewage; dirt; filth: 粪 ~ muck; dung and dirt; 血 ~ blood stains Ⅱ (弄脏) defile; dirty; smear: 玷 ~ dirty; smudge; stain; sully; tarnish; 奸 ~ rape or seduce Ⅲ ❶ (脏) dirty; filthy: ~ 臭 foul smelling; 旧社会遗留下来的 ~ 毒 the filth and poison left over from the old society
❷ (不廉洁) corrupt: 贪官 ~ 吏 corrupt officials
◆污斑 stain; clouding; 污层 dirt band; dirt bed; 污点 stain; spot; smirch; blemish; plouk; smutch; smotch; smut; smudge; smear; splodge; splotch; tarnish; flick; 污而不染 live in a bad neighbourhood, but grow up with clean hands; 污垢 dirt; filth; fouling; tarnish; impurity; grime; 污垢层 [德] schmutzband; 污化剂 activator; 污秽 filthy; foul; 污秽闪络 pollution flashover; 污秽试验 pollution test; 污迹 smudginess; splodge; splotch; speckle; smear; stain; smudge; 污蔑 slander; calumniate; vilify; defile; sully; tarnish; 污泥 mud; mire; {土} sewage sludge; sludge; bulking; 污泥浊水 filthy mire; filth and mire; the mire; 污七八糟 in a filthy mess; 污染 pollute; contaminate; 污染物 pollutant; contaminant; fomite; fomes; 污染源 pollution source; pollution emitter; 污染指数 pollution index; 污辱 humiliate; insult; defile; sully; tarnish; 污水 sewage; slops; effluent; drainage; foul water; polluted water; waste water; 污水处理厂 sewge treatment plant; 污水沟活动盖板 limber board; bilge board; 污损 stained; 污物 sewage; lyma; feculence; breck; dirt; 污言秽语 bestial words; 污油 sump oil; 污浊 dirty; muddy; foul; filthy; 污渍棉 stained cotton





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