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{史} (可汗的简称) khan
另见 see also hàn。


❶ (从皮肤排泄出来的液体) sweat;perspiration: 擦 ~ wipe perspiration;
出 ~ sweat;perspire;
发[流] ~ induce [exude] perspiration;
吓出一身冷 ~ be in a cold sweat from fear [fright];~ 从我背上淌下来。 The perspiration was running down my back.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 明 Han Ming
另见 see also hán。
◆汗斑 sweat stain;{医} tinea versicolour;
汗背心 sleeveless undershirt;vest;singlet;
汗闭 ischidrosis;
汗病 idrosis;
汗不止 apogee sweating;
汗臭(症) bromidrosis;kakidrosis;bromhidrosis;stinking smell due to perspiration;
汗出 sweating;
汗带 sweatband;
汗法 diaphoresis;
汗分泌过少 oligohydria;
汗垢 sweat mixed with dirt;
汗过多 dermatorrhea;
汗脚 feet that sweat easily;sweaty feet;
汗孔 {生理} pore of a sweat gland;sweat pore;
汗淋淋 wet with sweat;
汗流浃背 The sweat broke out all over one's body and trickled down his back.;all of a sweat;Flowing sweat soaks through the back (because of fright,or shame).;One's whole body was dripping with sweat.;perspire all over;streaming [pouring] with sweat;sweating profusely;sweat like a pig;sweat like a trooper;Sweat poured down one's back.;Sweat runs down the back.;The back is covered with sweat.;wet through with perspiration;
汗流满面 Sweat streamed down one's face.;one's face streaming with perspiration;perspire all over one's face;Sweat dripped from one's face.;sweat like a trooper;
汗流如雨 The perspiration poured down one's face.;
汗流如珠 The perspiration dripped off him like falling pearls.;
汗流如注 the perspiration running off sb. like a waterfall;
汗流双颊 Sweat came trickling down one's cheeks.;
汗马功劳 distinctions won in battle;achievements (distinguished) in war;service in battle;toil and hardship in the wars;deeds of valour in battle;war exploits;one's contributions in work;
汗漫不可收拾 broken beyond all bounds;superficial;indiscriminate;
汗漫之言 words spoken in a roundabout [circuitous] way;
汗毛 fine hair on the human body;
汗牛充栋 (of multitude of books) so many as to make the ox carrying them perspire and to fill a house to the rafters — an immense number of books;enough books to make the ox carrying them sweat or to fill a house to the rafters — an immense number of books;enough to fill the roof and cause cows to perspire before the cart — numerous;in plenty [abundance];overabunant;
汗疱 pompholyx;
汗青 sweating green bamboo strips;historical records;chronicles;annals;
汗如雨下 The sweat runs down like raindrops.;sweat breaking out over the body like rain;sweat profusely;(They) were dripping with perspiration.;
汗衫 undershirt;T-shirt;[主英] vest;shirt;
汗手 hands wet with perspiration;
汗水 sweat;perspiration;
汗味 stink with perspiration;
汗淅疮 indirect dermatitis;
汗腺 {生理} sweat gland;suboriferous;
汗颜 [书] perspire from embarrassment or shame;blush with shame;feel deeply ashamed;
汗液 sweat;perspiration;
汗液过多 hidropedesis;
汗溢 dermatorrhea;
汗疹 sudamen;sudamina;miliaria;miliaria rubra;prickly heat;
汗珠直淌 The sweat rolled off in big drops.;Beads of sweat have broken out profusely.;
汗珠子 beads of sweat


sweat; sweating;perspire;perspiration





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