exchange rate;rate of exchange
欧元兑美元的~创下1:1.36的历史高点。Euro’s exchange rate with the US dollar hit a record high of 1:1.36./人民币~水平有升有降,总体小幅升值。The RMB exchange rate has seen both rise and drop. Overall,the value of RMB has appreciated by a small margin./保持人民币~在合理、均衡水平上的基本稳定maintain the RMB exchange rate basically stable at an appropriate and balanced level/固定~fixed (exchange) rate/浮动~floating(exchange)rate/中心~central rate/浮动~体系floating exchange rate regime/调整~浮动区间adjust the exchange rate band/名义~nominal exchange rate/实际~ real exchange rate/挂牌汇价quotations of foreign currencies/中间价central parity/收盘价closing price/~自由兑换freely tradable/~并轨introduce a uniform exchange rate /~操纵exchange rate manipulation/~风险exchange rate risk/~的过度调整overshooting of exchange rate/~格局pattern of exchange rate/~调节机制exchange rate regulating regime(or mechanism)/~形成机制exchange rate formation regime(or mechanism)