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单词 cut
释义 cut1 /kAt; kAt/ vt, vi (-tt-) (pt, PP cut) (For uses with adverbial particles and preps 10 below; for uses with adj iH 7 below; for uses with nouns or pronouns → 6 below.) (与副词接语和介词连用参看下列第 10 义; 与形容词连用参看下列第 7 义; 与名词或代名词连用参看下列第 6 义。) 1 [VP6A, 12B, 13B, 15A, 2A] make an opening, incision (with a harp-edged instrument, eg a knife, a pair of scissors, or other edged tool); (用有刃的器具如刀,剪刀等)切开; 割破; a make a mark, wound, in sth: 割伤: He cut his face/himself while shaving. 他在刮胡子的时候把脸割伤了。 cut into sth in 10 below. 参去下列第 10 义之 cut into stho b sever; reap: 切断; 收割: Don't pluck the flowers; it's better to cut them. 不要用手采花; 最好用剪刀虬 Has the wheat been cut (= harvested, reaped) yet? 小麦已经收割了鸭? c shorten: 勇短: to cut one's nails; 函指甲; to cut a hedge; 祥剪树篱; to have one's hair cut. 理发。 Hence, 亩此产生, 'hair-cut n → also cut sth short in 7 below. 亦参看下列第 7 义之 cut sth shorto d separate; remove from sth larger: 使分开; 自较大部分切下: Please cut a slice of cake for me/cut me a slice of cake. 请切一魇蛋糕给我。 Cut yourself some pineapple. 你百己切食凤梨吃吧。 Cut some pineapple for your sister. 给你姐姐 (妹妹)切些凤梨。 Two scenes/episodes were cut by the censor. 两个景(事件)被检查贝删除了。 → also cut off and cut out in 10 below. 亦参看下列第 10 义之 cut off 及 cut outo e reduce sth by removing part: 减少: Was your salary cut? 你南薪水减少了吗? The new jet service cuts the travelling time by half. 新喷射客机减少了一半旅行的时间。 cut down in 10 below. 参看 T 列第 1 。义之 cut down。 f divide into smaller pieces: 分成小块: Will you cut the cake? ie into pieces. 富你切蛋穗好吗? If you'll cut the bread (ie into slices), we'll make toast. 如果你切面包,我们就来烤面包。 D cut up in 10 below. 参看下列第 10 义之 cut upo g divide, separate into two: 分割为二: Don't cut the string, untie the knots. 不要剪断那绳子,把绳结打开。 The Minister cut the tape to open a new section of motorway. 部长为一段新完工的高速公路剪彩。 h make, fashion, by removing material with tools, machines, etc that cut: 割成; 切成; 挖成; It 成: m cut steps in the ice; 在冰上挖出踏两之处; 1。cut a tunnel through a hill; 穿山挖一条隧道; to cut a road up a hillside; 挖一篠路至山坡上; to cut an inscription/ one's initials. 刻碑文(自己名字的为首字母)。 cut out in 10 below. 参看下列第 10 义之 cut outo 2 [VP2A, C] a (of a sharp tool, instrument, etc) be suitable to use: (指锋利的工具等)适于使用: This knife does not cut well. 这把刀切起来不利。 b (of a material) be capable of being cut: 原料)苛被切,剪,刻等: Sandstone cuts easily. 沙岩很容易切开。 This cloth is too narrow to cut welt, is narrow and difficult to cut into the shapes needed. 这块布料太窄,不易裁成所需式样。 3 [VP6A] (colloq) stay away from, be absent from (sth one ought to attend): (俗)缺席; 不出席(应出席之场所): to cut a class/a lecture. 逃学; 逃课。 4 [VP6A] (of lines) cross: (指线条)相交: Let the point where AB cuts CD be called E. 假设 AB 线与 CD 线相交之点为 E。5 [VP6A] (sport, esp cricket, tennis, billiards) strike (a ball) so that it spins or is deflected; hit the edge of (a ball). (尤指板球,网球,撞球等)击(球)使其回旋; 斜击(一球); 削(球)。 6 [VP6A] (used with nouns, or pronouns) (与名词或代名词盅用) cut the cards/pack, lift part of a pack of playing-cards lying face downwards and turn it up to. decide sth (eg who is to deal, who are to be partners). 翻牌决定(自'一副面向下的纸牌拿起一部分并翻转来以决定谁发牌或与谁同伙 )ocut one s coat according to one's doth, suit one's expenditure to one's income; not be too ambitious in one's plans. 量入为出; 不存奢望; 不抱太大野心。 cut (off) a corner, go across, not round it. 走直路; 走近路(不经过转角处)。 cut corners, (fig) take a short-cut. (喻)走捷径。 cut a disc/record, record music, etc on to a gramophone record. 将音乐等录于唱片上 the ground from under sb/from under sb's feet, leave him in a weak or illogical position: destroy the foundation of his plan, argument, etc. 拆某人的台子; 破坏某人的计划、论据等的基础。 cut no/not much ice (with sb), have little or no effect or influence (on him): (对某人)无作用或影乡力。 cut one's losses, abandon a scheme that has caused financial losses before one loses too much. 及早放弃造成经济损失的计划以免遭受更大的损失。 cut s tooth, have a new tooth just begin to show itself above the gum. 长牙; 生新牙(刚自牙肉中生出)。 cut one's teeth on sth, learn, gain experience, from: 口…获取经验: There's a job for you to cut your teeth on. 有一个使你增加经验的工作。 cut both ways, (of an action or argument) have an effect both for and against. (指行动或论据)骑精; 两面倒。 Q also caper1, dash1 (6), figure(5), Gordian. 7 [VP22] (with an adj as complement) (与作补语的形容词连用) cut sb dead, pretend not to have seen; treat as a complete stranger: 佯装未见某人; 完全把某人当做陌生人看待: She cut me dead in the street, ignored me completely. 她在街上把我视若路人。 cut it fine, (colloq) leave oneself only the minimum of what is needed (esp time): (俗)只剩下最低限度; 扣得很紧(尤指时间): He cut it rather fine, eg by reaching the station half a minute before his train was due to leave. 他把时间扣得太紧了(例如在火车开行前半分钟才到达车站)。 cut sb/sth free (from), make or get free by cutting: 害 il 断绳索等以解脱: He cut himself free from the ropes with which they had bound him. 他割断他们用以梆他的绳索而逃脱了。 cut sth/sb loose (from), make loose or separate by cutting: 割断(绳索等)以解放: cut loose a boat/cut a boat loose; 割断绳索以放开船; cut oneself loose from one's family, live an independent life. 离豪自立谋生。 sth open, make an opening or split in: 谜破; 使裂: He fell and cut his head open. 他掉了一交跌破了头。 cut sth short, make shorter: 缩短; 删节: to cut a long story short; 把长的故事截短; 长话短说; to cut short a person's remarks; 打断某人的能; a career cut short by illness. 因病车途 ffii 废的畚业。 8 C~ I (cinema; imper) Stop (shooting a scene)! (电影; 祈使)停止(拍摄一镜头)! 9 (uses with the pp) (过去分词的用法) cut and dried, (of opinions, etc) already formed and unlikely to be changed. (指意见等)已决定的; 不大会改变的。 iCut 'flowers, flowers cut for decoration (contrasted with flowers growing in the garden, in pots, etc). (为装饰用而)剪下的花(与园中,盆中等长的也相对)。 iCut 'glass, glass with patterns and designs cut on it. 离花玻璃。 (cut-'price attrib adj at a reduced price, and below those of rivals or those recommended by the manufacturers, etc. 削价的(指低于同业或厂商所定的价格的)。 .cut-rate attrib adj ~ cut-price. ,cut to'bacco, shredded (contrasted with cake tobacco 烟丝(与 cake tobacco 相对)。 cutting part adj a sharp; piercing: 锐利的; 刺人的: a cutting wind. 刺骨的风。 b . sarcastic; wounding: 讥刺的; 伤害的: cutting rema-1 伤感情的话。 10 [VP3A, 15B, A, 2C] (useSwRh adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用的用法): cut across sth, a take a shorter route across (a field, etc). 取捷径穿过(田地等)。 b be contrary to: 与…相反: Opinion on preserving the environment cut clean across normal political loyalties. 保护环境的意见与政治上普通的忠诚完全相反。 cut at sb/sth, aim a sharp blow at (eg with a sword or whip): (用刀剑或蟆等)对准…而猛击: cut at a hedge/a group of nettles with a stick. 用棍棒对着树篱(一簇蒋麻) 猛击。 cut sth away, remove by cutting: 割掉; 砍去: We cut away all the dead wood from the tree. 我们把树上所有的枯枝都砍去了。 The yacht was in danger of sinking until they cut away the broken mast end rigging. 那游艇有沉没的危险,后来他们砍去那断桅及穗索,危险方吿消除。 cut sth back, a (of shrubs, bushes, etc) prune close to the stem. (指矮树,灌木等)剪短(其枝叶)。 b reduce: 减少; 减低: cut back production. 供低至寥。 Hence, 由此每生, ,cutback n a reduction: 技小; 减低: a cutback in expenditure. 减少开销。 b flashback. (电影)倒叙。 cut sth/sb down, a cause to fall by cutting: 砍倒: to cut down a tree. 砍倒一树。 b kjll or injure by striking with a sword or other edged weapon: (用刀剑或其他与刃武器)砍杀; 杀伤: He cut down his enemy. 他杀伤了他的敌人。 c deprive of life or health (by disease, etc): (为疾病等)夺去生命或健康; 病死; 病倒: He was cut down in the prime of manhood. 他在壮年时期病死了。 d reduce in quantity, amount, etc: 减少(数 KG): cut down expenses. 减低用匝 / won't have a cigarette, thanks—I'm trying to cut down, reduce the number of cigarettes I smoke. 谢谢,我不要抽烟 —— 我正在设法减少抽烟最。 e persuade (sb) to reduce a price, charge, etc: 说服(某人)减价等: We managed to cut him down by £30. 我们总算说服他把价钱减低了二十 f reduce the length of: 减 U: cut down a pair of trousers, eg for sb who is shorter. 改短神脚(给较姣者穿)。 cut down an article to make it fit the space available, in a periodical, etc. 删节一篇文章使适合杂志中有限的篇幅。 cut down on. reduce one's consumption of: 减少对…之消耗量: He's trying to cut down on cigarettes and beer. 他左设法减少吸香烟和饮啤酒的量。 cut sb down to size, (colloq) show him that he is not so important as he thinks he is: (俗)吿诉某人他并不像他自己所想的那样重要: Some of these so-called experts really need cutting down to size. 这些所谓专家当中有些园需要让他们知道他们并不像他们自己所想的那样重要。 cut in (on), (of the driver of a motor vehicle, etc, who has overtaken another vehicle) return too soon to his own side of the road (with possibility of collision, etc): (指汽车等驾驶者,超车后)驶入原车道过急(可能与他车相撞等): Accidents are often caused by drivers who cut in (on other cars). 车祸常因驾驶者超车过急而造成。 cut sb in, (colloq) include sb in a (profitable) venture: (俗) 让某人加入(赚钱的)冒险事业: If you'll contribute £500 we'll cut you in. 如果你愿意拿出五百镑,我们就让你入伙。 cut in (on)/into, interrupt (a conversation, etc): 打断(谈等); 插. 嘴 Don't cut into the story/in on the conversation/in so rudely-let her finish. 不要打断这故事(打断谈话,那样鲁莽地插嘴) 一让她说完。 cut in half/two/three, etc; cut into halves/quarters/thirds, etc, divide: 切为两半(二,三,四等块); 分割 The submarine was cut in half by a destroyer. 那潜躯被一驱逐鉴击成两半。 Cut the cable in two. 将此模截成两段。 Cut the apples into halves. 将这些顾果各切为两半。 cut into sth. a make a cut in: 切开(某物): Mary cut into her birthday cake and everybody clapped. 玛莉切开她的生日蛋糕,大家鼓掌庆 fl。b interfere with: 妨碍: All this extra homework Cuts into his weekends, leaves him less free time. 所有这些额外的课外作业使他在周末都没右多少空闲。 cut sb/sth off (from), a remove (esp sth at an extremity) by cutting: 切去(尤指尖端部分): Don't cut your fingers off! 不要把你的手指切断了! Cut the chicken's head off. 把鸡头砍掉。 He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll. 他自那卷布上弱下一公尺。 b stop; interrupt; isolate: 停 1E; 打断;使 M 立: be cut off while talking by telephone; 正在打电话时线路被切断; cut off the gas / electricity supply, eg because of unpaid accounts; 切断煤气(电力)供应(如因未檄清欠款); cut off an army from its base, by getting in between; 切断军队与基地的连络; cut off stragglers, separate them from the main body and so capture them; 截住掉队者(以便捕捉之) \\be cut off from all possibility of help; 饭切断一切受援助的可能; towns cut. off (= isolated) by floods; 为洪水所围困的市镇; cut off by the tide, isolated on a rock, sandbank, etc by the incoming tide; 为溃潮所困(如被孤立在岩石,沙滩等上); cut off sb's supplies/a son's allowance, no longer allow him to receive them; 切断某人的供应来源(不再给儿子零用钱); cut off sb with a shilling, disinherit him (eg a son who has behaved badly) except for a small sum (to show that the act is deliberate). 由一先令剥夺某人之继承权(例如儿子品行不良,仅留给他很少的一点钱,表示此举是故意的)。 cut (off) s corner, → 6 above. 参看上列第 6 义。 cut out, stop functioning: 停止作用: One of the aircraft's engines cut out. 钠架飞机的一个引擎失去作角。 cut sth out, a remove by cutting (eg from a periodical): (自刊物等)剪下扌切去: That's an interesting article—I'll cut it out. 那是篇有趣的文章——我要把它剪下来。 b make by cutting: 四成; 砍成: cut out a path through, the jungle. 在丛林中依出一条路。 c shape (a garment) by cutting the outlines of the parts on cloth: 剪裁(衣服): cut out a dress. 剪裁一件衣服。 d (colloq) leave out; omit: (俗)删去: Let's cut out unimportant details. 我们删去不重要的细节吧。 e (colloq) stop doing or using (sth): (俗)戒除; 不用: My doctor told me I must cut out tobacco, stop smoking. 我的医生说我必须戒烟。 cut sb out, defeat, eliminate (a rival, esp in competition for sth): 击败(对手,尤指在竞争中 i: cut out all rivals for a girl's affections. 击败所有情敌而赢得某女郎的爱情。 cut it/that out, (colloq, imper) stop fighting, squabbling, etc: (俗,薪使)停止打斗、乎吵等: Now just cut it out, you two! 你两个现在不要再吵(打)了! cut out (the) dead wood, (colloq) remove unnecessary or unproductive parts: (俗)除去不必要或不能生产部分: There's a lot of dead wood to be cut out if the industry is to be efficient. 如欲提高工业的效率,许多不必要之处应予消除。 (not) be cut out for, (not) have the qualities and abilities needed for: (无)有…所需要的才能: He's not cut out for that sort of work. 他没有担任那种工作的才能。 have one's work cut out (for one), be faced with as much, work as one can manage: 面对着足以占用某人全部时间和精力的工作: It's a big job; he'll have his work cut out for him to meet the dead-line. 这是桥抚巨的工作; 他得全力以赴,始能如期完成。 ‘ cut-out zi a design, figure, etc (to be) cut out from paper, cardboard, etc. 山纸,纸板等财下的图案,图形等。 b (elects) device that interrupts or disconnects a circuit (eg to avoid too heavy a load). (电)断流器(如避免过重负荷,戡断电流之设计); 保险开关。 cut sb to the heart/quick, cause him pain or suffering: 使某人痛苫: His ingratitude cut her to the heart. 他由忘息负义使她伤心。 cut sb/sth to pieces, destroy by cutting, by gunfire, etc: 切碎; 煎碎; (以炮火等)摧成: The enemy were cut to pieces. 敌人被炮火摧毁。 cut sth/sb up, a cut into pieces: 切碎; 前碎: cut up one's meat. 将肉切碎。 b destroy: 摧毁; 粉碎: cut up the enemy's forces. 摧毁敌人军力。 c (colloq, usu passive) - cause mental suffering to: (俗,通常用被动语态) 使伤心; 使悲痛: He was badly cut up by the news of his son's death. 他得到儿子的死讯,极为悲伤。 Don't be so cut up about it. 不要为此过于悲伤。 d criticize adversely; point out the faults of: 苛钵; 严评: His latest novel has been cut up by the reviewers. 他最近的小说被评论家批评得体无完肤。 cut up 、 (into), be capable of being cut up (into): 能被剪成; 能被切成: This piece of cloth will cut up into (= has enough material in it for) three suits. 这块布将可裁制三套衣服。 cut up (for), (colloq) be worth: (俗) 有价值: The old man cut up for ten thousand, left £10 000 to be divided among his heirs: 那老人死后留下一万英镑 (供织承者去分) 。 cut up rough, (sl) behave aggressively; be violent and aggressive: (俚) 大发脾气; 大吵大闹 He'll cut up rough if you don't give him what he asked for. 你要是不给他所要求的,他会大吵大闹。




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