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单词 custom
释义 custom /'kAStam; 'kAStam/ n 1 [U] usual and generally accepted behaviour among members of a social group: 风俗; 习俗 (某一社会团体各分子间通常 — 般公认的行为方式): Don't be a slave to Do not do things merely because most people do them and have always done them. 不要做习俗的奴隶 (勿仅因大多数人如此做或经常如此做而亦如此做) 。 It has become the ~ (= has become usual) for our family to go to the seaside in summer. 我们家在夏季常去海滨。 2 [C] particular way of behaving which, because it has been long established, is observed by individuals and social groups: (个人的) 习惯; (社会的) 习俗; 惯例: Social ~s vary in different countries. 社会风俗各国不同。 was Tom's ~ to get up early and go for a walk before breakfast. 汤姆的习惯是很早起床,并且在早独以前散步。 (Cf 参较 habit, a word that means sth that a person does regularly, and that he cannot easily give up. 指个人经常所做之事而不容易放弃者。) 3 [U] regular support given to a tradesman by those who buy his goods: (由于经常购买其货物而给予经商者的) 照顾; 惠顾: We should very much like to have your ~,> would like you to buy our goods. 我们竭诚欢迎你来光顾。 I shall withdraw my ~ from that shop, not buy goods there in future. 我将不再照顾那家商店 (即不再购买他们的货物) 。 4 (pl) taxes due to the government on goods imported into a country; import duties; department of government (the C~s) that collects such duties: (复) (由政府所征收的) 货物进口税; 关税; 海关 (作 the Customs): How long will it take us to pass(= get through) the C~s? 通过海关检查要花我们多久时间? The C~s formalities are simple. 海关检查的手绩很简单。 '~ house, office (esp at a port) where ~s are collected. (尤指港口的) 海关办公处。' ~s union, agreement by States on a common policy on tariffs. 关税同盟 (国际间对课征关税之共同协定) 。 5 (attrib use only) made to order. (仅作形容用法) 凫制的一 ~-'built, as specified by the buyer. 定制的; 买主凭定的。,~-'made adj (of clothes) made-to-measure; making things to order: (指衣服) 定做的; 专做定货的: ~ tailors/shoemakers. 专做定货的裁经 (轻匠) → bespoke at bespeak; tailor-made at tailor.




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