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单词 水涨船高

水涨船高shuǐ zhǎng chuán gāo

when the river rises the boat goes up—particular things improve with the improvement of the general situation
❍ ~,难道你不好跟着涨么? (茅盾文集》Ⅷ—289) Boats rise with the tide. Why can’t you do the same?/车船脚价,越来越高,~呗! (梁斌《红旗谱》221) The cost of transport is mounting all the time,and when the river rises the boat floats high.

水涨船高shui zhang chuan gao

【口语】when the river rises,the boat goes up


when the river rises,the boat floats high;like a boat lifted by a rising river;like boats going up with the level of the water
两个大国之间的军备竞赛~constant rise of the level of armaments of the two powers with each trying to outdo the other (or gain one-upmanship over the other)

水涨船高shuǐ zhǎnɡ chuán ɡāo

水位增高了,船的位置也就随之提高。比喻事物随着所凭借的基础的提高而提高。particular things improve the improvement of the general situation, when the river rises the boat goes up





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