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单词 rank
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n (1)阶层,地位,级别,军阶(positionesp an official one within a social organization or in the armed forces)[CU]:people of all~s 各阶层的人们;men/gentlemen of~有地位的人/绅士们;person of low~下层社会的人;the upper/middle/lower~s of society 上/中/下层社会;people having~and wealth 有地位有钱的人;achieve the~of professor 晋升为教授;be promoted to the~of major/captain/colonel晋升为少校/上尉/上校;officers of high~高级军官们;hold the~of general 有将军军阶;In the army a general is of much higher~than a captain. 在军队里,将军的军衔比上尉高得多。〖同〗 distinction;

(2)等级,排列(relative position on a scale of performanceproductionvaluequalityetc)[CU]:a painter (tennis player/university/city) of the first/top/highest/lowest~一个一流/顶好/最好/最差的画家(网球运动员/大学/城市);He was in the middle~of his class. 他在班里属于中等。be above sb in~级别比某人高;We've attained a~among the Great Powers. 我们已跻身于强国之列。〖同〗grade,type,class;

(3)排,队(row or line of soldierspolicemenpeople or things)[C]:the front/rear~前/后排;a cab/taxi~一排出租车;keep/break~s 保持/打乱队形;Come on,boys,form three~s facing this way. 来,孩子们,面朝这边站成三队。The soldiers/policemen stood in~s for inspection. 那些士兵/警察站好队等待检阅。〖同〗line,row;

(4)普通士兵(人),队伍(ordinary members of an organizationesp of the armed forces;an organization or group of people)[Cthes]:rise from/be reduced to the~s 由士兵(普通人)提升的/被贬为士兵(普通人);other~普通士兵;the~and file 普通士兵(人);serve/join in the~s 服役/当兵;join the~s of non-smokers/the unemployed(fig)加入了不吸烟者/失业者的行列;Their~s are growing. 他们的队伍在壮大。

v (1)给……分(评定)等级(arrange people or things in rank)[T+nT+n+prepC+n+as]:Sports writers~the team second in the nation. 体育新闻记者把那个运动队列为这个国家的二流队。~the children according to height/their grades 按身高/学习成绩将孩子们分成几个级别;I wouldn't~it with the very finest white wines from Burgundy. 我认为它不属于勃艮第最好的白葡萄酒。How (Where) do you~him as a tennis player? 你认为他是怎样一个级别的网球运动员?~sb as a friend 认为某人是朋友;〖同〗rate;

(2)位于(hold a certain rank or place)[II+prep]:~low in social status 社会地位低下;Buying a boat~s high/low on my list of priorities. 买船是我首先/最后考虑的事。~with (among) the failures/the world eminent scientists 列在失败者/世界著名科学家之中;a high-~ing official/delegate 高级官员/代表;

(3)地位超过(be the senior or surpass in rank)[IT+n](AmE):The headmaster~s at that boarding school. 在那所寄宿学校里,校长地位最高。A general~s a major in the army. 在军队里,将军的军衔比少校的高。a~ing officer 在场的最高级的军官





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