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单词 水乳交融

水乳交融shuǐ rǔ jiāo róng

as well blended as milk and water — in complete (/perfect) harmony; be very chummy with sb; blend sth harmoniously with;chum up (with sb); complete understanding between friends; get along swimmingly with each other
❍ 唐代艺术家善于吸收一切外来有用的技艺风格,~地溶汇到自己古老的传统艺术中去,而成为另一种崭新的创作。Tang artists were adept in absorbing what was useful from foreign style and expertise and blending it harmo niously with their own ancient traditional art to create a brand-new product.
❍ 当时那种~的同志感情,那种亲密无间的热烈气氛,是多么地扣人心弦啊! (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅲ—154) The comradeship of these young and old people as they mixed together was inspiring,the warmth and kindness made many a heart beat faster.


well blended as milk and water—perfect harmony;complete compatibility

水乳交融shuǐ rǔ jiāo rónɡ

融:融合。水和乳汁融合在一起。比喻关系十分融洽或结合紧密。in complete harmony, hit it off, be in perfect harmony, like milk mingling with water





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更新时间:2025/1/19 14:40:22