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单词 crystal
释义 crystal /'knstl; 'knstl/ n 1 [U] transparent, natural substance like quartz; [C] piece of this as an ornament: 水晶右; 水晶制的装饰品: a necklace of ~s; 水晶珠项链; (attrib) (形容用法) ~ ornaments; 水晶制的装饰品; ~ detector, type used in early radio sets (called a '~ set). 晶体检波器 (用于早期晶体收音机 ,crystal sef) ~ dear, entirely clear; (fig) completely understood. 完全透明的; (喻) 极其明白的; 十分清楚府。 '~-gazing, looking into a ~ ball in an attempt to see future events pictured there. 水晶球占卜术 (向水晶球里窥视以期借里面所呈现的图形测知未来的事情) 。 2 [U] glassware of best quality, made into bowls, vases, vessels, etc: 品质最好的玻璃器皿 (如碗、瓶、盘碟等): The diningtable shone with silver and ~. 餐桌上摆设的银器和玻璃器琳琅满目。 3 [C] (science) definite and regular shape taken naturally by the molecules of certain substances: (科学) (某些物质的分子自然形成的) 结晶体: sugar and salt ~s; 糖和盐的结晶体; snow and ice ~s. 雪和冰的结晶体。 4 (US) glass over the face of a watch. (美) 表面玻璃。 crystals diamonds




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