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单词 气势磅礴

气势磅礴大气磅礴qì shì páng bó

great and momentous; of great vitality; full of power and grandour; inspiring; majestic and momentous; of great momentum; powerful; vigorous
❍ 江姐凝视的目光,停留在~的石刻上,那精心雕刻的大字,带给她一种超越内心痛苦的力量。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》75) Sister Jiang’s gaze lingered on the bold,beautifully in scribed characters. They gave her new strength and eased her burning grief.
❍ 你们看,这不是楼下第二号牢房?叶挺将军就是关在这里,写下那~,充满革命英雄气概的诗篇的。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》434) That’s cell number two,where General Ye Ting was imprisoned and where he wrote those stirring lines so full of revolutionary heroism.
❍ 他那远见卓识,~的演说,不断被掌声和欢呼声所打断,在场的一些爱国的国民党人也感动得流了泪。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—42)His vigorous speech,which showed wider vision and penetrating insight,was frequently punctuated by cheers. Even the patriotic members of the Kuomintang attending the meeting were deeply moved.

气势磅礴qi shi pang bo

of great momentum


of great momentum;powerful;full of power and grandeur
民族解放运动~the tremendous momentum of the national liberation movement

气势磅礴qì shì pánɡ bó

磅礴:形容广大无边的样子。形容气势雄伟,广大无边。powerful, of great momentum, inspiring, vigorous, full of power and grandeur





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