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单词 气势汹汹

气势汹汹qì shì xiōng xiōng

adopt an aggressive(/a swashbuckling/truculent) posture (/atti tude); a formidable appearance; bluffingly; ferocious(ly) fierce-looking; get up on one’s hind legs; have a chip on one’s shoulder; in a furious rage; in a rush of anger; in an outburst of temper; in a very threatening manner; insolently; like a fighting cock;look dangerous (/formidable); menacing (ly);overbearing; overweeningly arrogant; ready to bite(/snap) off sb’s nose; swagger and bluster;threatening (ly)
❍ 黎纪纲迟疑地望着~的对手,不敢回话。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》115) Li Jigang looked at his awe-inspiring superior,not daring to answer./“你们骂谁?”被叫作狗熊的特务,突然又闯进牢门,~地问。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》219) The warder they called“the Bear” suddenly reappeared and asked fero ciously:“Who are you talking about?”/有人~说: “谁管他这呀,叫他快搬出农会得了。”(周立波《暴风骤雨》243)Somebody cried angrily: “Who cares a fig whether he’s married. Let him get out of his office,that’s all.”/杨子荣等两人下了马,向喊声走过去。到了近前,两个大个子匪徒,~地用枪指着他。(曲波《林海雪原》372)Zirong and his companion dismounted and walked forward. Two fierce-looking bandits met them with trained guns.
❍ 地主看这新进来的黑大个子,~,手里的匣枪在摆弄着,象随时都要打人的样子,就有几分胆怯了。(知侠《铁道游击队》480) The landlord quailed before the fuming,dark,husky fellow who looked as if ready to shoot.
❍ 看见邓秀梅,他连招呼也不打一个,只顾对李月辉~地嚷道: “李主席,你说这个家伙混帐不混帐?”(周立波《山乡巨变》23) He saw Deng Xiumei but didn’t even nod to her,as he shouted to Li Yuehui in a rush of anger: “Chairman Li,isn’s that fellow a scoundrel?”/他的精神感染了李尧,李尧~地奔了出去。(吴强《红日》22) His manner infected Li Yao,who hurried out in an access of zeal.
❍ 袁廷发跳下炕来,~地把女人推朝门外去,一面嚷道:“你去,你妈的,就给我去。”(艾芜《百炼成钢》231) Yuan instantly jumped off the kang and in a furious rage pushed his wife outside,shouting: “Get out of here!”


fierce; truculent; overbearing; aggressive;bluster
它在局部地区不像过去那样~,而是处于被动无所作为的地位。In some regions,it is no longer as aggressive as before,but has landed itself in a passive and helpless position./革命人民决不会被反动派的~所吓倒。The revolutionary people will never be cowed by the bluster of the reactionaries./他~,不可一世。He blustered and swaggered like a conquering hero./看起来~,实际上十分虚弱fierce in appearance (or of image)but feeble in reality/~,不可一世 overbearing; overweeningly arrogant

气势汹汹qì shì xiōnɡ xiōnɡ

比喻人或动物来势凶猛。fierce, look formidable, like a fighting cock, get up on one’s hind legs, aggressive posture





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:48:45