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单词 民不聊生

民不聊生mín bù liáo shēng

the masses live in dire poverty; the people are reduced to destitution; the people find it hard to live on; the people have no means of livelihood
❍ 朝廷无道,~,人们不造反有什么路走?(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—192) When bad government drives the people desperate,what can they do but rebel?/我们是艰苦奋斗,军民兼顾,和蒋介石统治区的上面贪污腐化,下面~,完全相反。(《毛泽东选集》1084)We live plainly and work hard,we take care of the needs of both the army and the people;this is the very opposite of the situation in Chiang Kai-shek’s areas,where those at the top are corrupt and degenerate,while the people under them are destitute.
❍ 说是只对付张学良一个人,说什么张学良“把满洲闹得~,……”(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》280) He said it was aimed solely at dealing with the “Young Marshal” Zhang Xueliang,under whose rule “the people of Manchuria were reduced to destitution…”/百姓罢敝,头会箕敛,以供军费,财匮力尽,~。(《史记·张耳陈余列传》2573) The common people are exhausted,and yet the officials continue to count heads and demand from each his basketful of grain tax to supply the wants of the army. The wealth of the people is used up,their strength is gone,and they have no way to keep alive.
❍ 谁知办的~,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》99) But who would have thought it,it was run so badly that the people have no way to make a living…

民不聊生min bu liao sheng

people live in dire poverty


the people can hardly survive;the people have no means of livelihood; the people live in dire poverty

民不聊生mín bù liáo shēnɡ

聊:依靠、依赖。百姓无法生存下去。the people have no means of livelihood, the people being in destitution, The people are living in misery.





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更新时间:2025/3/7 10:40:10