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Ⅰ ❶ (人民) the people: 为 ~ 服务 serve the people
❷ (某族的人) a member of a nationality: 藏 ~ a Zang; 回 ~ a Hui
❸ (从事某种职业的人) a person of a certain occupation: 农 ~ peasant; farmer; 牧 ~ herdsman; 渔 ~ fisherman; fisherfolk
❹ (非军人) civilians: 公 ~ citizen; 平 ~ civilians
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 贵 Min Gui Ⅱ ❶ (民间的) folk: ~ 歌演唱家 folknik
❷ (非军事的) civilian; civil: ~ 法典 a civil code; ~ 工 a civilian worker
◆民办 run by the local people; civilian-run (school); 民办大学 a university run by the local people; 民办公司 a company run by the local people; 民办企业 an enterprise run by the local people; 民变 civil commotion; mass uprising; popular revolt; 民兵 militiaman; people's militia; militia; militiaman; Minuteman; 民不聊生 The people are destitute.; live on the edge of starvation; make life impossible for the people; People have nothing to depend on for their living.; The people are deprived of their means of survival.; The masses live in dire poverty.; 民船 privately owned boat; 民法 civil law; 民法通则 general rule of the civil law; 民法学 science of civil law; 民房 a house owned by a citizen; 民防 civil defence; 民愤 the people's [public] wrath; popular indignation; 民风 folk custom; 民负 people's burden [load]; 民富国强 The people are rich and the country is strong.; 民歌 folk song; ballad; 民工 a labourer working on a public project; a civilian worker; 民国 the Republic of China (1912-1949); 民航 [简] civil aviation; 民间 among the people; popular; folk; nongovernmental; people-to-people; 民间疾苦 hardships of the people; 民间经济团体 non-governmental economic organization; 民间艺术 folk [popular] art; 民间作品 folk literature work; 民警 people's police; people's policeman; 民力 financial resources of the people; 民强国富 The people are strong and the land is fruitful.; 民情 condition of the people; feelings of the people; public feeling; 民权 civil rights; civil liberties; democratic rights; 民生 the people's livelihood; 民事 {律} relating to civil law; civil; 民事裁判 civil judgement; 民事纠纷 dispute civil; 民事权利 civil rights; 民事审判 civil trial; 民事责任 civil responsibility; 民俗 folk custom; folkways; 民团 [旧] civil corps (reactionary local armed forces organized by landlords); 民校 sparetime school for adults; school run by the local people; 民心 popular feelings; popular sentiments; popular support; common aspiration of the people; 民心所向 where the popular will inclines; the common aspiration of the people; 民选 elected by people; 民谣 folk rhyme; folk music; folk songs; ballad; 民以食为天 hunger breeds discontentment; Food is the first necessity of the people.; Food is god for the people.; Food is No.l need.; The masses regard sufficient food as their heaven.; 民意 the will of the people; popular will [opinion]; 民意测验 poll; public opinion poll; 民用 for civil use; civil; 民用航空 civil aviation; commercial aviation; 民用机场 civilian airport; 民怨 popular discontent; 民怨鼎沸 seething discontent [resentment] among the masses; seething discontent [resentment] of the people; 民乐 music, esp. folk music, for traditional Chinese instruments; 民贼 traitor to the people; 民政 civil administration; 民脂民膏 the fat of the people; flesh and blood of the people; the hard-won possessions of the people; the people's life-blood; the people's fat squeezed by taxes; the fat and marraw of the people; the wealth of the nation and its people; the substance or wealth of the nation; 民众 the masses of the people; the common people; the populace; 民主 democracy; democratic rights; democratic; 民主决策 democratic decision-making; 民主协商 democratic consultation; 民主选举 the democratic election; 民主党 [美国] the Democratic Party of the United States; 民主集中制 democratic centralism; system [principle] of democratic centralism; 民主主义 democracy; 民族 nation; nationality; 民族冲突 ethnic conflicts; 民族独立 national independence; 民族和解 national reconciliation;
民族解放 national liberation; 民族区域自治 regional national autonomy; 民族学 ethnology; ethnonymics; nation science; 民族之林 nations of the world; 民族自尊 national self-respect; 民族自尊心 the national self-respect heart; 民族主义 nationalism; 民族自治 national autonomy





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