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单词 毛骨悚然

毛骨悚然毛骨耸然máo gǔ sǒng rán

be so overwhelmed with awe that one's hair is standing on end; be frightened from the tips of one's hair to the marrow of one's very bones; send chills up one's spines; absolutely terrified (/horrified); blood-curdling; creepy-crawly; crawly; gruesome; hair-raising
❍ 我点头讫,瞥见坐前有一张印刷品,一看之后,~起来。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—89) After nodding,I noticed a printed sheet in front of me,and a shiver ran doum my spine as I read it.
❍ 四小姐想着就觉得~。(茅盾 《子夜》 533) She felt a thrill of horror as she thought of it.
❍ 虽然毛发悚然,心中却也明白,只见小红丰儿影影绰绰的来了。(《红楼梦》1305) Though convulsed with fear,she was clear enough in her mind to see the blurred figures of Fenger and Hongyu approaching. /操见之,~,出了一身冷汗,不觉头风顿愈。(《三国演义》199) He read it and was frightened from the tips of his hair to the marrow of his very bones. He broke out into a cold perspiration and his headache vanished. /然而那男人,却已经听到了,而且这命令的力量仿佛又已钻进了他的骨髓里,将身子牵了两牵,“毛骨耸然”似的;……(《鲁迅选集》上—165) Only his servant heard,and the force of this order entered his very marrows,for twice he twitched as if overcome by awe.
❍ 向老汉要地契和高利贷的帐本,那喊声使人~。(柳青《创业史》179)They had demanded Lti's land deeds and his usu ry account books,shouting in voices that had caused Yao's hair to stand on end.
❍ 听的人都觉得~,就好像听得那笃笃的叩门声。(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—348) The women went goose-pimply all over. They could almost hear the knocking at the door.
❍ 我听了这话,不觉~。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》161) It was hair-raising to listen to all this.
❍ 人们说不出旧社会的罪恶,并不等于旧社会就没有这部分令人~的罪恶呀!(柳青《创业史》319)But just because people couldn't bring themselves to talk about the crimes of the old society,it didn't mean there weren't things done in the old society that would make your blood curdle. /想到老虎添翼,便毛骨耸然,然而青蚨飞来,则眉眼莞尔。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—287) The thought of "winged tigers" makes men shiver with fear,but when money flies their way they fairly beam.


have one’s hair stand on end—be utterly horrified;shudder (or shiver)with fear
令人~ send cold shivers down one’s spine;be bloodcurdling

毛骨悚然máo ɡǔ sǒnɡ rán

悚然:害怕的样子。害怕得毛发直竖,脊梁骨都发冷。absolutely terrified, make one creep all over, be bloodcurdling





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