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单词 bang
bang/bæ ŋ/ v, n & adv

v (1) (使)撞击,猛击 (hit or strike deliberately and violentlyoften making a loud noise) [I+prep T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv]:~on the door with one's fist angrily 生气地用拳头击门;~a door/a drum 猛击门/鼓;~the desk with one's fist 用拳头击桌子;~one's fist on the table/one's head against a post/a chair against the wall/a spoon on the plate把拳头砸在桌上/把头撞向柱子/把椅子向墙砸去/用汤匙猛敲盘子;~a box/a book down angrily on the floor生气地把箱子/书往地板猛砸下去;The cook~ed the pots and pans together.厨师把盆和锅碰得叮当响。

(2) 砰地关上 (close with a sudden sharp loud noise) [I I+adv(down), T+n T+n+adv (down)]:The door~ed shut in the wind. 门在风中砰地关上了。A door was~ing somewhere. 什么地方有扇门在砰砰地作响。She~ed the door hard behind her. 她随手把门砰地使劲关上。He~ed the window (shut).他砰地把窗户关上。~the lid down 砰地把盖扣上;〖同〗slam;

(3) 砰然作响 (make a sudden sharp loud noise) [I I+adv]:The guns/fireworks~ed in the distance. 枪炮/烟火在远处劈啪作响。The door~ed in the wind.门在风中碰得当当响。There's someone ~ing about/around upstairs.楼上有人在咚咚地跑来跑去。The guns~ed away. 枪砰砰地响个不停。We were~ing away at the enemy. 我们向敌人砰砰地不断射击。

(4) 碰撞上( hit or strike with great force suddenly and often unintentionally) [T+n T+n+prep]:He fell and~ed his knee/his elbow (on the corner of the table).他跌倒了,膝盖/胳膊肘(在桌角上)重重地磕了一下。~one's head/one's knee against the wall头/膝盖撞在墙上;The car~ed him on the leg. 汽车撞在了他的腿上。

(5) 和……猛撞上(collide with sb/sth sharply) [I+prep(into)]:She ran round the corner and~ed straight into a tree.她跑过街角直撞在一棵树上。The boat~ed into the reef. 船撞在了暗礁上。

→′banger n 爆竹;香肠;乱响的旧汽车;

n (1) 猛击,重撞 (sudden forceful blow) [C]:get/give sb a terrible~on the head头被狠狠地撞了一下/狠狠地撞了某人的头一下;Did you suffer any~s or bumps? 你磕碰着了吗?〖同〗 blow,hit,knock;

(2) 砰然巨响 (sudden loud noise) [C]:She shut the door/The door shut with a~. 她砰的一声把门关上/门砰的一声关上了。slam a drawer shut with a~砰的一声把抽屉关上;The fireworks exploded/The balloon burst with a loud~. 砰的一声焰火炸开了/气球爆开了。the~s of the guns隆隆的炮声;〖同〗slam,burst;

(3) 奋力 (energy or strong effort) [C]:The party started off with a~. 聚会热烈地开始了。

(4) 兴奋(feeling of excitement) [C] (AmE):We got a~out of seeing the movie star.我们见到了那位电影明星好高兴!〖同〗excitement,pleasure,enjoyment,delight;

go off/(AmE) over with a bang 极为成功:His latest record has really gone off with a~over here. 他的最新唱片在这里销路好极了。

adv (1) 当的一声 (suddenly sharply or noisily): fall~on the floor 轰的一声倒在了地上; roll~into the telephone pole 当的一声撞到了电话线杆子上;

(2) 正(恰)好 (right; exactly; precisely):He fell down~in the middle of the road. 他正好倒在路中央。The lights went out~in the middle of our dinner.饭正好吃到一半的时侯灯灭了。His guess was/The arrow hit~on target.他猜个正着/箭正中靶子。Her answer's~on. 她的回答恰到好处。

(3) 完全,十分 (completely):The film/Her hairstyle is~up to date.这部片子/她的发型是十分新颖(时髦)的。

【辨异】 动词bangbumpknock都可表示意外地 “碰”、“撞”。bang此时通常造成疼痛(见(5)),此外还可指有意的“撞击”(见(1));bump(碰,撞)表示的行为比bang轻,且发出的声音较小,发闷,如:bump one's head on the low beam (头碰在低梁上);knock(敲,击) 则声音清脆,也造成疼痛, 或打碎什么东西,如:knock one's hand against the table (手碰在桌子上);此外,knock还可指有意的“敲打”。





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