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Ⅰ ❶ (动植物的皮上长的丝状物; 鸟类的羽毛) hair; down; feather; fur: 绒 ~ down; 鸡 ~ chicken feather or down; 腋 ~ armpit hairs; 狗 ~ hair or fur of dog; 桃子上的 ~ the down of a peach
❷ (东西上长的霉) mildew: 长 ~ be covered with mildew
❸ [口] (一圆的十分之一; 角) mao, a fractional unit of money in China ; ten cents; a ten-cent piece: 5 ~ 钱 fifty cents; five mao
❹ (羊毛) wool: ~ 纺厂 a woollen mill; ~ 毯 woolen blanket
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 泽东 Mao Zedong Ⅱ ❶ (粗糙; 未加工的) rough; crude; semifinished: ~ 铁 crude iron; ~ 坯 semifinished product
❷ (不纯净的) gross: ~ 重 gross weight
❸ (小) little; small: ~ 孩子 little child; ~ 丫头 little girl
❹ (做事粗心, 不细致) careless; rash; impetuous: ~ ~ 愣愣 rash; impetuous; reckless
❺ (惊慌) flurried; scared; frightened: 吓 ~ 了 be terribly frightened; be panic-stricken Ⅲ ❶ (指货币贬值) depreciate; (of currency) be no longer worth its face value: 钱 ~ 了。 Money has gone down in value.
❷ [方] (发怒; 发火) get angry; flare up
◆毛背心 linder; 毛笔 writing brush; Chinese brush; 毛边 trimmings; flash; rough selvedge; fringed; {刷} bolts; deckle edge; 毛病 [方] illness; disease; trouble; mishap; breakdown; shortcoming; defect; fault; mistake; 毛玻璃 frosted glass; ground glass; rough-cast glass; obscured glass; sponge-glass; 毛布 coarse cotton cloth; coarse calico; 毛糙 crude; coarse; careless; 毛虫 caterpillar; bristle worm; 毛豆 young soya bean; 毛发 hair (on the human body and head); 毛纺 wool spinning; 毛葛 cotele; popeline; {纺} poplin; ramage; paramatta; 毛莨 {植} kingcup; tall buttercup; tall crowfoot; Ranunculus japonicus; blister plant; blister flower; 毛孩 hairy child; 毛蚶 bloody clam; 毛校样 foul proof; 毛巾 towel; loop towel; facecloth; washcloth; 毛举缕析 list in detail and make careful analysis; 毛举细故 enumerate all the details; enumerate trivial details; list the trifles like counting the hair; talk about little things; bring up trifling matters; 毛孔 {生理} trichopore; pore; 毛口 {机} burr; 毛裤 long woolen underwear; 毛蓝 darkish blue; 毛里求斯 Mauritius; 毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania; 毛利 gross profit; 毛利人 Maori; 毛利润 gross profit; markup; gross margin; 毛料 woollen cloth; woollens; 毛驴 donkey; 毛落皮单 When the hair falls, the skin is insufficient for protection.; Without protection, one is in danger.; 毛毛 [方] baby; 毛毛虫 carpenterworm; 毛毛雨 drizzle; drow; 毛难人 Maonan; 毛难族 the Maonan nationality, living in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; 毛囊 {解} hair follicle; folliculus pili; 毛坯 semifinished product; {机} blank; {冶} bloom; slug; 毛皮 fur; pelt; flick; jacket; pan; peltry; hatter; 毛皮加工 fur manufacturing [technology]; 毛票 [口] banknotes of one, two or five jiao denominations; 毛渠 sublateral canal; sublateral; 毛茸茸 hairy; downy; 毛纱 {纺} wool yarn; 毛石 {建} ashlar; ashler; rubble; 毛收入 gross income; 毛手毛脚 do things recklessly; be brash and clumsy; careless; clumsy-handed; imprudent; flurried in movement; rough-handed; rough; careless in handling things; 毛刷 hairbrush; 毛丝 {纺} broken filament; fuzziness; 毛遂自荐 offer [volunteer] one's own services; offer services as Mao Sui did; offer oneself for a position; recommend oneself; self-recommendation for a post or task; 毛笋 the shoot of mao bamboo; 毛毯 woollen blanket; carpet; 毛细管 {工} capillary tube; capillary; capillary pipe; blood capillary; 毛细血管 {医} blood capillary; 毛线 knitting wool; wool ̄len yarn; hand knitting yarn; 毛屑 soft flocks; 毛丫头 [口] a little girl; 毛[猫]腰 [方] arch one's back; 毛衣 woollen sweater; sweater; woolly; 毛躁 short-tempered; irritable; rush and careless; 毛泽东 Mao Zedong (1893-1976, 伟大的马克思列宁主义者, 中国共产党和中国人民的伟大领袖); 毛毡 felt; hair felt; 毛织厂 woollen mill; 毛织品 wool fabric; woollens; woollen knitwear; 毛织物 drapery; denv; wool fabric; 毛重 rough weight; gross weight; gross load; 毛猪 live pig; pig; pork on the hoof; Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall; 毛竹 mao bamboo; moso bamboo; giant hairysheath edible bamboo; phyllostachys pubescen







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