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❶ (比较;较量) compare;compete;contrast;match;emulate:~ 不上 not to hold a candle [stick] to;cannot compare with;no match for;~ 得上 comparable;can be compared with;
可 ~ 作 may be compared to;be just like;~ 干劲 compete with each other in drive;~ 豪华 vie with each other in luxury
❷ (比方;比喻) compare to;draw an analogy;liken to:把它 ~ 做纸老虎 liken it to a paper tiger
❸ (做手势) gesticulate;gesture:连说带 ~ 划 gesticulate as one says [talks]
❹ (对着;向着) be trained on;be directed at:用枪 ~ 着敌人 train the gun on the enemy
❺ (仿照) copy;model after:~ 着葫芦画瓢 draw a gourd ladle on a calabash
❻ (能够相比) can be compared:坚 ~ 金石 solid as metal and stone;
不怕不识货,就怕货 ~ 货。 Don't worry about not knowing much about the goods;just compare and you will see which is better.
❼ [书] (依附;勾结) attach oneself to Ⅱ ❶ (比率) ratio;proportion:成正 ~ direct ratio [proportion];成反 ~ inverse [reciprocal] ratio [proportion]
❷ (比较) comparison;contrast:无 ~ without compare
❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 明 Bi Ming Ⅲ ❶ (用来比较性状和程度的差别) than:一年 ~ 一年老 getting older and older each year;~ 这大得多 much bigger than this one;
他 ~ 我强。 He is better than I.
❷ (双方得分的对比) to (in a score):以三 ~ 二获胜 win the match by a score of three to two Ⅳ ❶ [书] (紧靠;挨着) close:鳞次栉 ~ row upon row of
❷{物} specific:~ 表面积 specific surface area Ⅴ [书] (近来) till;until:~ 来 recently;~ 及 when;by the time;~ 闻 recently heard
◆比比皆是 meet the eye everywhere;be great in number;be seen everywhere — in abundance;can be found everywhere;one on the heels of another;
比冲(量) {航空} specific impulse;specific thrust;
比方 analogy;example;for example;instance;
比分 {体} score;
比高 relative altitude;
比画[划] gesture;gesticulate;make hand gestures;use sign language;
比价 price parity;comparative prices or bids;price ratio;price relations;rate of exchange;price proportion;
比肩继踵 overcrowded with people;follow closely one after another;one follows on the heels of another;
比较 compare;compare with;contrast;parallel (with);comparison;by comparison;in comparison (with);opposed to;when opposed to;
比较法 comparative law;comparison method [test];比利时 Belgium;
比例 scale;scaling;proportion;ratio;proportionality;
比例尺 {测} scale;plotting scale;measuring scale;comparing rule;graphical units;proportional scale;
比量 take rough measurements (with the hand,a stick,string,etc.);make a gesture of measuring;
比邻 neighbour;next-door neighbour;close neighbour;near;next to;
比率 ratio;proportion;rate;
比目鱼 flatfish;flounder;
比拟 compare;parallel;draw a parallel;liken;match;
比丘 Buddhist monk;
比丘尼 Buddhist nun;nun;
比热 {物} specific heat;
比容 {物} specific volume;
比如 for example;for instance;such as;suppose;say;
比萨斜塔 the Leaning Tower of Pisa;
比赛 match;competition;race;contest;game;tournament;
比散度 specific dispersion;
比色 colorimetric;
比山高,比海深 be loftier than mountains and deeper than seas;
比熵 specific entropy;
比上不足,比下有余 not up to those above,but above those below — middling;passable;tolerable;fall short of the best but be better than the worst;can pass muster;
比试 have a competition;measure with one's hand or arm;make a gesture of measuring;
比速 {机} specific speed;unit speed;
比索 (货币单位) peso (used in the Philippines and some countries of Latin America);
比特 {计} bit;
比武 {军} demonstration of and competition in military skills;
比学赶帮超 emulate,learn from,catch up with,help and in turn surpass each other;
比翼双飞 fly wing to wing — happy couple;flying side by side;go places together as a couple;go with each other all the time as lovers;inseparable lovers;pair off wing to wing;such happy couple;
比喻 metaphor or simile;analogy;figure of speech;allegory;compare one thing to another;
比照 according to;in the light of;
比值 specific value;ratio;
比重 proportion;{物} specific gravity;specific weight;
比浊计 nephometer;nephelometer







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