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单词 crop
释义 crop2 /krop; krop/ n [C] 1 bag-like part of a bird's throat where food is broken up for digestion before passing into the stomach. 乌的胧囊 (食物在进入日以前在此磨碎以便消化) 。 neck and ~, → neck. 2 handle of a. whip; (also 亦作 'hunting- ~) whip-handle with a loop instead of a lash. 鞭柄; 带皮圈而无皮条的鞭柄。 3 very short hair-cut: 勇得极短的发式; 平头: You look as if you've had a prison ~, had vour hair cut very short, like men in prison. 你的头髪看来凹得像牢里的犯人一样短。




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