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单词 critical
释义 critical /'kntikl; 'kritikl/ adj 1 of or at a crisis: 在危机期中的; 紧要关头的; 岚振点的: e are at a ~ time in our history. 我们正处于我们的历史的危急时期。 The patient's condition is ~, He is dangerously ill. 病人的情况项危。 This is a ~ moment, eg one when there will be a change for the better or the worse. 这是生死存亡的关头。 2 of the work of a critic: 批评家之作品的; 批评的: ~ opinions on art and literature. 批评家轩于艺术及文学的意见。 3 faultfinding: 吹毛求疵的; 非难的: ~ remarks. 吹毛求疵的评论。 'She looks on everything with a ~ eye. 她以吹毛求疵的眼光去看每一样事物。~ /-Ikh; -ikh/ adv in a ~ manner: 岌岌可危地; 批评地; 吹毛求疵地: He is ~ly ill. 他病得很沉重。




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