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单词 残杯冷炙

残杯冷炙残羹冷炙cán bēi lěng zhì

left-over gruel and scraps of food; the crumbs which fall from one’s master’s table
❍ 要不然,则当佳节大典之际,他们拿不出东西来,只好磕头贺喜,讨得一点~做奖赏。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—66)Otherwise at festivals and on great occasions they will have nothing to give and will have to kowtow to offer congratulations,receiving as their reward some left over gruel and scraps of food.
❍ 朝扣富儿门,暮随肥马尘。残杯与冷炙,到处潜悲辛。(杜甫《奉赠韦左丞丈二十二韵》)Each morning standing humbly|At the doors of the rich,|Each evening stumping along|In the dust raised by fat horses,|Hiding bitterness when eating|Cold leftovers from feast table; …

残杯冷炙杯(羹)cán bēi lěnɡ zhì

炙:烤肉。残余的酒食。remains of a meal, the crumbs which fall from one’s master’s table





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