释义 |
残(殘)cánⅠ ❶ (不完整;残缺) incomplete;deficient: ~ 稿 an incomplete manuscript ❷ (剩余的;将尽的) remnant;remaining: ~ 敌 remnants of the enemy forces;~ 冬 the last days of winter;~ 烛 an expiring candle; 风卷 ~ 云。 The wind blows the scattered clouds away. ❸ (凶恶) oppressive;savage;barbarous;ferocious: 凶~ cruel Ⅱ (伤害;毁坏) injure;spoil;damage: 摧 ~ destroy (life,talent); 身 ~ 志不 ~ broken in health but not in spirit ◆残败 (灾难性或严重损坏) wrack;(失败) wipeout; 残暴 savage;cruel and heartless;cruel and ferocious;ruthless;brutal;ruthlessness;cruelty;tyrannical; 残杯冷炙 the crumbs which fall from one's master's table;dinner leftovers;remains of a meal;a scrappy dinner;crumbs from the table;scraps;swill;the leavings of meals; 残兵 disabled [defeated] soldiers;remnant troops; 残兵败将 discomfited troops and beaten generals — a completely defeated army;a routed army and a beaten general;beaten generals and remnant soldiers;bedraggled soldiers;remnant soldiers and generals after defeat;remnants of a defeated [routed] army;routed troops and a beaten general; 残部 remnants of defeated troops; 残茶剩饭 remains of a meal;leftovers;crumbs from the table; 残次 imperfect; 残存 remnant;remaining;surviving; 残存者 remnant;survival; 残废 maimed;crippled;(physically) disabled;a maimed person;cripple; 残羹剩饭 remains of a meal;leftovers;crumbs from the table;voiding; 残骸 remains;wreckage; 残害 do harm to;slaughter;cruelly injure or kill; 残花败柳 compromise one's honour by adultery;women no longer pure;lost one's chastity;faded beauties; 残货 shopworn goods;damaged goods;substandard goods; 残疾 physical disability;deformity; 残疾人 deformed man;deformity;disabled individuals;disabled people;the physically handicapped;the disabled; 残局 (快结束的棋局) the final phase (of a game of chess);the last stages;end-game;ending;(失败或动乱后的局面) a lost situation;the situation after the failure of an undertaking or after social unrest; 残酷 cruel;brutal;inhuman;ruthless; 残留 remain;be left over;residual; 残年 (一年将尽的时候) the last days of the year;(人的晚年) the evening of life;declining years; 残品 scrapped part;substandard goods;damaged article;defective goods; 残破 broken;dilapidated; 残缺 incomplete;fragmentary; 残缺不全 incomplete;fragmentary; 残忍 cruel;ruthless;merciless;brutality;brutal; 残杀 murder;massacre;slaughter;kill savagely;butcher; 残山剩水 leftover rivers and remains of mountains — the reduced territories of a nation after aggression by a foreign power;the last remnants of national territory; 残生 one's remaining years;declining years;surviving span of life;survivor; 残损 damaged;spoiled; 残阳 the setting sun; 残余 remnants;remains;residue;survivals;vestiges; 残渣 residual;residue;slag;caput mortuum;less; 残照 the evening glow;rays of the setting sun |